Red point

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A/n: non binary reader for the non binary bitches in love with Grell. A first meeting scenario for you.

Red point: a slang term for the only woman in a group of men.

Grell seemed to take that term very literally with her head to toe red fashion. She was the only one on the London division of collection reapers that was a woman. Even if those around her were rather ignorant and didn't view her as one, she made sure to make her stance firm and didn't let dumb men kick her about. Well... unless it was that demon she liked, she always joked about how she'd pay to be kicked by him.

Grell was rather known around the dispatch. For her flamboyant identity and the fact she could fight like a manic. That chainsaw was one very very deadly weapon in her hands. Despite her occasional misbehaviour she was known as one of the best welder's of a scythe in dispatch. Hence why even though a lot of people found her flamboyant self very annoying, they still held at least some level of respect for her.

She was a very polarising figure to the other reapers.

That was until you came along.

While Grell still held her reputation as the flamboyant red point of the area, you were held up on a similar pedestal. You were only a very fresh edition to the dispatch, but your confusing identity to those around you made people pay attention to you.

Because they couldn't tell if you were a boy or a girl.

Yet another gender queer had entered the London dispatches radar. And as soon as the queen Grell herself heard of this she had to track you down and find you, she had to see if the rumours about someone a bit like her were true. Being a senior reaper, she was able to pull some strings.

"(Y/n), you're working under a senior reaper today" your boss said, sliding you the papers on todays soul collections across the table.

"Who?" You replied, taking the file rather uninterested in another long days work.

"Sutcliff. You'll know them when you see them... a person that dramatic is hard to miss"

Sutcliff? You'd heard a little about them. About their skills with a scythe and a few rumours about them being rather energetic and dramatic.

"I expect you'll have this done by the usual time. You're always back and finished rather quickly. Although good luck reeling in sutcliffs wild antics" your boss explained.

"I'll make it work. I'll be back at the usual time" You replied.

Heading out of the office and looking over your files, you didn't think this job would be too hard. You knew the location and it was only a few souls this time. Your scythe slung on your back via its straps and annoying reaper needed glasses holding your hair away from your eyes you headed out to the streets of London.

This Sutcliff... you'd heard a bit about them. Although you didn't take most of the things you'd heard seriously as some of them seemed to be a bit distasteful. So many reapers were total snobs, so you didn't take anything they said seriously.

The location of this job was down in the red light district, not exactly known for its safety. So you kept your distance and stayed on the rooftops waiting for your senior reaper to show up and keeping an eye out on the streets for this death that was meant to happen. Looking out at the humans below you, all of which seemed to not even notice you the atmosphere was quiet and eerie knowing what crimes were about to occur.

Although that silence was broken not long after your arrival.

"So the rumours are true! There is another reaper coming for my tile of 'the confusing one"

That must be them. You turned to face the voice and looked up at the reaper standing on the chimney above you. Looking down with her legendary scythe by her side and ridiculously long hair blowing in the wind. The moment you saw her, you knew what was up. Not-cis people have a way of clocking each other sometimes.

Despite the slightly deeper voice, she was VERY feminine. The long hair, the woman's coat, the bows and the heels. Very soft skin decorated with red lipgloss and long lashes. And her eyes... they were so fierce.

"No one told me my senior reaper was going to be this pretty" you fired back, matching her energy.

"Ah! Darling you flatter me. But what's this I hear about someone rather androgynous coming for my title?" She joked, jumping down from the chimney and landing before you.

You scanned each other down, almost like you were telepathically linking with each other and the experiences of being Trans in the unforgiving 1800s. The mere presence of each other seemed to automatically form a bond, it was rare to find someone like you in these times.

"Let those normies keep talking their shit. We understand each other don't we? That's all that matters. We can share that title" you smirked, already liking her vibe.

"I knew I'd like you. We seem to know OF each other but not exactly know each other personally. Grell Sutcliff, pleasure to make your acquaintance" she said, holding out her gloved hand to shake.

You took it, able to feel the presence of elegant jewellery under her glove.

"(Y/n) (l/n), pleased to meet you too, legendary red point. Very red point" you replied.

"You know you're probably the only one that hasn't made fun of me for being the way I am. At this point I've gotten used to the mockery as annoying as it is, but I very much appreciate being able to find someone like me" she replied.

"We may not be the exact same. You're a woman after all, I'm neither man or woman. But our circumstances are very much similar. Why don't we stick together from now on and dunk on the dumb boys over in the office?" You replied.

"That's exactly why I went out seeking you, I knew we'd get along. Although we should probably get this death sorted first or I'll get my scythe taken from me again"

You had heard about her knack for misbehaving, even though screwing around with her seemed fun as hell, you did want to keep your scythe and not have to do overtime. So maybe keeping her on a short leash while you're on the clock was a good idea.

"The higher ups dared take your scythe from you?"

"I can't believe they'd do such a thing" she scoffed.

"... that's transphobic" you joked.

She snickered at the comment, already loving every second with you.

"If they dare do it again, I'm taking the matter to HR for discrimination" she joked back.

Oh you'd love working with her, you just knew it.

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