Chapter 6

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- Gemini - 

Gemini had this weird feeling that he had felt once before but after that he never felt the same thing again, but it was happening again, it was as if his heart was beating fast and and he had butterflies in his stomach. 

"IS THIS LOVE?", he thought to himself and smiled as he remembered that he had this same feeling when they went for a walk when they were in high school and they had their first kiss. but Gemini regretted how he had acted after that, but he was happy as it had not hampered their friendship. They both had acted as if nothing has happened between them. 

He wanted this feeling to last forever, but at the same time he knew that Fourth would never feel the same for him, as Fourth has always considered him as his bestfriend. 

- Fourth - 

Fourth has always liked Gemini but he was too scared to tell him. He thought that confessing his feeling to Gemini was ending their friendship as Gemini had once avoided him after they had their first kiss but after weeks he talked normally and acted as if nothing has happened, so to be friends with Gemini, Fourth also had acted as if it did not bother him at all. 

Fourth remembered this particular walk with Gemini when they were in high school that will always stand in his mind. It was a gloomy day, having rained all morning, and grey clouds stretched across the sky, making it look almost like dusk. Fourth remembered exactly how it happened, but some moments were lost to him. They were talking about what they would do when they graduated high school, on one instant, Gemini reached for Fourths hand, and in the next Gemini was pulling Fourth gently towards him. Fourth looked faintly startled, but when he saw Gemini's face moving towards his, he closed her eyes, accepting what Gemini was about to do. Fourth leaned in, and his lips touched Gemini, Fourth knew that he would remember their first kiss forever. 


They both went to have their breakfast. Fourth was making a list of places he had to visit to finish his project. Gemini sat next to Fourth and asked him what he was doing. 

Fourth was focused on those papers, he did not look at Gemini and answered, ' I am making list of placed I have to visit to finish my projects' 

Can I join you Fourth, Gemini asked putting his hands on Fourths. 

Fourth felt the warm touch of Gemini's hands and then looked at Gemini and smile while nodding his head slightly. 

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