●Do it!

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Where are you going? Ruben. Cmon, you don't wanna sped time with your father. No, I do not. I am leaving. He's just a stupid boy Kayden he's probably just using you. Dad, you always try to mess everything up. Let me be happy in peace.
We both know the truth. Ruben doesn't care he just likes the fact that you're rich. You have the money. You basically can do anything he wants.

Dad that's not what he wants come on what did he even do to you and your so upset about it hes my boyfriend and your gonna have to handle it suck it up me and him have been dating for a month now I thought you'd be gone and you'd be accepting! You're exactly like your mother stubborn, annoying, and won't take no as an answer! Listen, I will never be the man that you are cause you are the most horrible person alive. You don't deserve anything! He grabbed me and pushed me down to the floor this was like my childhood all over again he got down screaming at me I blocked out his word's and took every single punch wanting to fight back but I couldn't he pulled away from me and walked away I stood back up coughing up blood I fell to the floor trying to catch my breath my body ached every part of my body was painful blood trickled down my forehead I could hardly open my eye my phone rang I tried picking it up..

Hii are you ok? You were supposed to be here like 15 minutes ago. I tried getting words out, but all I could do was cough it out. I put my phone down out of pain, and I saw my father walk past me, opening the door and leaving his hands, still bloody

My phone was still bright he was still on the line but he hung up after a bit my eye sight was blurry I tried standing up but I couldn't I layed on the floor feeling weird Everything was going black.

I opened my eyes, lying down in a familiar room. I looked around, trying to understand where I was. You're awake. Finally, are you ok? I walked in and saw you on the floor. What happened? I hugged him. I had at least known that it was Ruben. Now, what happened. I got in a fight with my dad it's not a big deal I should get going. I was about to get up. No sit down, just i will get you food, don't you dare get out of that bed. Ruben, I'm fine it's not a big deal. It is I have something for you later. Ah, ok then. He made me food and made sure I was ok it started getting late, and I fell asleep over time.

I heard Ruben scream I rushed out of the room and went to go check up on him he wasn't in sight I tried calling him and his phone was in his room I looked around and heard the front door open he walked inside like nothing happened Kayden I told you don't get out of bed You have to heal properly. Why were you screaming? Are you ok? I was just doing something really quick now. Let's go back to bed. He seemed more serious than usual he made me drink some medicine and sent me off to bed like a child. I started getting sleepy and dizzy, and it all went black again.

Ruben Pov:
My hands shook. I had built such a connection with Kayden. I'd have it end it all. I cried to myself, I couldn't stop, and I knew he was asleep. I grabbed it and walked to his room he was fast asleep. I griped it tighter, getting closer to him, and tears ran down my face. I made sure for him to wake up, hm? Ruben, do you need anything that medicine made me pass out damn. I'm so so so deeply sorry for what I'm about to do. What are you talking about? I love you . Seriously, do I just mess up if this could happen again in another life? I'd change it, Ruben. I love you more, but what are you on about... Don't run after I tell you it's gonna happen either way. Mhm? So your dad hired me to kill you but wait please please wait I accidentally fell inlove with you he's bossman he's the reason my phones always ringing when I'm with you why I couldn't tell you what my job was I'm so sorry I have to do what I have to do otherwise he'll kill you himself. Oh...I should've expected that could you atleast have killed me without me being awake I could've died without knowing that I love you more than ever he kissed me Oh and my heart started racing I was gonna kill the person I loved most I pulled away and walked out His dad was sat in the living room

Are you done? He asked Your not very bloody How did you?  I can't. I can't do it. I got down on my knees, expecting a gun to my head a shot through my skull You can't do it..? You can you've done it before you can do it again I love him too much to do it just kill me please I can't stand to live another day knowing that I'll be the person to kill him. Ruben, I want you to stand up and go to his room and put this bullet in his through him. Want his bones to shatter into pieces otherwise Ruben I will make sure you don't have a family. No! Don't hurt them, please. I'll do it. Good now, take this and finish the job. Walking into the room again, I met with him staring out the window he turned his head after I walked in, standing up in front of me. I took a deep breath, and I pulled the trigger. The shot was fired, and the sound echoed through the house. Boss, come here. I couldn't help but cry, I'm done. I heard his footsteps walk towards the room. I moved away from the door and let him take control of my gun. Ruben, you picked the right ch- shots were fired. Intstantly, I closed my eyes, scared of peaking again. Is he dead? I would think so. Kayden said we looked over his body. I was in complete shock. I hugged him, holding him tight. I'm so sorry for lying. It's ok. Calm down, we're safe. Don't worry about anything else. We just have to call the police and explain this all and leave out the parts where you are supposed to kill me, hm? I dialed 911 looking at his body his eyes open his knife on the floor his body still pulsing I explained to the officers and they came in a rush and we tried figuring out how to get me out of any suspicion and try explaining why my boyfriends dad was dead on the floor. After some conversations and a court case we were done, we were fine. We were free.

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