Chapter 14

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Eliana's POV

Alexander and I just sat there in silence as I stared out of the window while he just sat silently.

I heard him clear his throat before speaking, probably trying to strike up a conversation to put an end to the silence, "So, anything you're particularly looking forward to see from the stories you read?" he asked.

"Umm," I pondered for a moment, "Well, I just want to see all the sights. I've looked up the country on the internet and everything looks beautiful. All the artifacts and sights and beaches. Oh, and the gardens so colourful, everything just looks so beautiful!" I rambled and the prince just listened smiling at me.

"Well, then, I guess today will be a busy day for us, huh?" he asked grinning.

I smiled back and looked back out of the window trying to calm myself.

His smiles just give me this giddy feeling and I'm not sure yet if I like that.

Heck, I should hate it.

I wish it would stop.

Soon the car came to a stop and the driver went to Alexander's side and opened the door.

Alexander got out then extended his hand to help me out.

I took it and he pulled me out and I started taking in my surroundings.

We were by the seaside and there were many food stalls everywhere. Not to mention the view was absolutely fantastic. The place was full of flowers planted everywhere. Bright colours invaded my senses as my eyes took me in all of my surroundings and I took a deep breath of fresh air, smelling all the delicious food.

I just wanted to live there.

Food and a good view who wouldn't?

"This place has been here for ages. The food stalls don't change the children of the owners just take their place when they're old enough. Everyone knows each other almost like extended family members. Might even be the most visited place by both tourists and the residents," Alexander explained as he led me over to a stall.

"Best thing about this place is the food. I'm going to make you taste everything!" Alexander said grinning.

"Alright, lead the way, your highness," I said.

He turned and spoke to the stall owner ordering the first food I'd be tasting today.

The stall owner-a man who looks about 21- seemed to know who Alexander is but they were both very comfortable with talking with each other.

They were even chuckling with each other like friends.

It's nice to know he's made friends with his people.

I found myself just standing there smiling watching them.

I watched the guy as he made the dessert. It was like a mini pancake that he wrapped in a cone shape and stuffed in chocolate. He made a few more and then placed them in a plate and handed them to Alexander.

He paid the man then turned to me with the plate extending the plate for me to take one, "Try it."

I took one and ate it all in one bite since it was tiny and my taste buds were flooded by the delicious taste of the chocolate.

"Mmm," I moaned at the taste taking another one and eating, "The chocolate tastes great!"

"Yeah, our country is pretty well known for it's chocolate," Alexander said smiling proudly.

You could really see in his eyes the pride he had in his country and people.

"No wonder with chocolate as good as this," I complimented smiling.

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