Chapter 8

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Eliana's POV

I sat at my dresser, in front of the mirror, running a brush through my partially wet hair.

A knock sounded at my door. I expected the person to just come in but then remembered I'm not at home where they just directly entered.

"Come in," I called out putting down the brush and getting up.

The door opened and in came Lisa.

"Breakfast is ready, your highness," she said formally, her hands intertwined in front of her.

"What did I say about calling me your highness?" I asked crossing my arms and playfully gave her a stern look.

"Sorry, breakfast is ready, Eliana," she said smiling at me.

"Alright then, lead the way," I said and walked over to her.

She walked out with me right behind her after I closed the door to my room.

I followed behind her until we reached a giant door. She spoke to the guard in front of the door informing him of who I am.

He nodded and opened the door, announcing my arrival, as I walked behind him.

"Good morning, your majesties," I greeted curtsying.

"Good morning, princess," the king replied smiling at me.

"Please call me Eliana, your majesty," I requested.

"Of course, Eliana," he said smiling at me while the queen's face stayed neutral.

"Have a seat dear," the king said and I nodded walking towards the table when Alexander stood up.

He moved behind the seat on his left and pulled it out, "Your highness," he said gesturing at the chair for me to sit.

I walked over to him and muttered a, "Thank you," then sat down. He pushed my chair for me gently then sat down in his chair.

"Eliana," the queen called as I was taking a sip of water.

"Today at 1 o'clock your classes will start so be there on time. Your personal maid Lisa will show you the way to the room," she informed me.

"If you don't mind me asking, your majesty, what lessons am I taking?" I questioned.

"Dance lessons, etiquette lessons, political lessons and more," she listed.

I nodded not speaking, knowing I have no choice in the matter and resumed eating my breakfast.

"How are you, princess?" Alexander spoke from beside me.

"Call me Eliana please and good and you?" I replied.

"Great," he smiled at me.

"How are you liking the castle so far?" He asked.

"Haven't exactly seen much of it, only my room, this room and the throne room," I answered.

"Would you like to take a tour with me after breakfast?" He asked.

"Umm," I pondered over the answer then replied, "Sure."

"Cool- I mean that's good," he said smiling sheepishly.

"What's wrong? Why are you smiling like that?" I asked.

"My mom doesn't think saying cool is appropriate," he explained.

"That's weird," I spoke without thinking, "I mean-" I tried to fix my words but he cut me off.

"It's okay. I also think it's weird," he chuckled.

I nodded smiling before resuming eating my breakfast.


"And here we have the ballroom," Alexander said nodding his head to the guards to open up the door.

As we entered, I looked around at the room. Even in this room there were two thrones near the wall.

A large diamond chandelier hung from the ceiling, glimmering from the light hitting it.

"It's nice,"I commented.

"A ball will be he when Melissa reaches to welcome both of you," he

"Melissa?" I questioned.

"The other girl in the treaty," he explained.

"Oh, okay," I replied nodding my head before we both got quiet.

"Well, that's the castle tour, now the garden tour," he said extending his hand to let me pass ahead of him.

We walked around the garden having small talk here and there. We reached a fountain and I was grateful as the weather was a bit hot.

I proceeded to sit at the edge of the fountain and put my hand in the water then wiping it on my face.

"Your make up won't smudge?" He asked concerned.

"I don't have any on," I confessed.

"Oh, sorry, just that both my mom and Melissa love make up so I thought-" he rambled but I stopped him saying, "It's okay."

He smiled at me sheepishly then looked down scratching his neck.

Involuntarily, my hand reached into the water and then I splashed the water at him.

My jaw dropped at my action.

I just splashed the prince.


"I'm so sorry!" I blurted out jumping back in shock and falling into the fountain with a scream.

"Are you alright?" Alexander asked looking concerned and extending his hand to help me.

"I'm so sorry," I repeated looking down.

I heard some shuffling before I felt something being put on my wet shoulders.

"Stop panicking okay?" He asked raising my chin to look at him.

"Uh-" I stuttered making him chuckle.

"Your highness," someone called from behind Alexander causing him to move away from me and turn to her.

"Yes?" He asked.

"The queen demands your presence this instance. Princess Melissa has arrived," she announced.



Vassup kittens?

So like I know world's shortest update it's a filler. I'll be updating again hopefully tomorrow or after if I can to make up for such a short chapter!

So like belated Happy Valentines!

What's the current song stuck in your head and you're playing on repeat?
Mine is Walkashame by Meghan Trainor it's hella awesome!!!!

Thank you all for the thousand reads!!!! <3333333

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even though it's a filler!!

Please vote, comment and share!!!

WUV YOU LOADS!!!! ~ Fawzia <3

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