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Karina's pov

Sarah and I were in the living room, I sat on the couch and I don't know what was happening right, Sarah was walking back to forth and she looked a bit stressed

"What's happening?" I asked her and she looked at me

"Minho, he found us" Sarah suddenly said and I couldn't believe what she said. How did he found us was the first thing came up in my head

We saw cars parking on the car and Sarah and I looked slightly through the window and I saw him, Minho

He changed his hair colour and oh he covered his right eye with some cloth

They were seven men standing in front of the house with weapons and a noisy thing was in the sky, how did they call it again

Heli.. Heli.. helicopter? I just call it a flying thing

"Where is the mermaid?" We heard Minho asking

"The mermaid isn't here, she gone in the water"

"Oh that's weird because someone said to me that the mermaid is living with you" When Minho said that we heard Scott walking downstairs

"Scott?" Sarah asked Scott but he completely ignore her and a grin was on his face and he went outside

Sarah grabbed my hand and she pulled me towards the front door and she stood in the front door frame

Scott walked to Minho and he stood beside him, oh I'm gonna kill that bastard

"Scott," Hunter asked and Scott looked at Hunter and Sarah, he knew I was hiding behind Sarah

"Scott, why?" Hunter asked

"Because I did for our family" he said

"Oh Karina is by the way hiding behind my sweet little sister" Scott added and smiled

"But why? I thought Karina is some kind of part of the family" Sarah asked and she looked at him with teary eyes

"No! She will never be part of our family and I do this to protect you all! I know the truth behind our parents death" He yelled at us

"It was her people who killed our parents, they let our parents crash against the rocks" He said and Sarah looked at me

"But that isn't Karina's fault! She didn't do anything" Sarah said and she hold my hand tight and Hunter looked at us and he walked away from us and Sarah looked at him

Hunter signed something with his head and Sarah nodded

"Come Karina, we have to leave" She suddenly said

"Where are we going then and what about Hunter?" I asked her

"Hunter will be fine," she said and we ran to Visenya's stable and Sarah put her headpiece on and she put a leash around her neck and she opened the door

She climbed up Visenya's back and she helped me to climb up her back and I put my arms around her waist

And we looked one last time back and we saw Hunter getting captured by Minho and his man


We suddenly heard a loud noise, it was more like a gunshot?

"SCOTT!" Sarah suddenly screamed as I saw Scott's body on the, he was shot through the head

Hunter freed himself and he quickly ran to Scott but he got captured again Sarah was in some kind of shock and she was frozen

"Sarah, we have to go" I said when Minho sent three of his men to us

Sarah was still shocked

I got off Visenya's back and I switched places with Sarah. I climbed back up on Visenya's back and I clicked with my cheek

"Move fast Visenya" I whispered and Visenya ran away


Chan's pov

"So what do you think?" I showed Hyunjin the baby clothing, we were currently shopping for some baby clothing

"I like it" He smiled and I smiled and I put the clothing over my arm by the other clothing

I browsed through the other clothing

"Hyune, what do you think about this one?" I asked as I showed him a new one but Hyunjin seemed not focused

"Hyune?" I asked him and I put my hand on his arm and he looked at me

"Everything alright?" I asked him and he shook his head

"Something is wrong with sister" He quietly said

"What's wrong with her?" I asked

"I don't know but her heartbeat went faster like she is in danger" He said and we walked to the cashier

"Oh that's not good" I said while I put the clothing on the desk and we saw a young girl speed-walking toward us

"I'm sorry for being late, I'm alone today" the girl apologized

"Oh no it's alright" I smiled and The girl gave a small smile

"Yunjin" I read on the name tag and I looked at a flyer that was hanging on the wall

"You are hiring people?" I asked her and she nodded

"Yes, after my colleague suddenly quit so now I'm looking for a new colleague. It doesn't matter who only if they are friendly and that we can have fun at work" she said and I looked to Hyunjin

"Maybe you should try to work" I whispered and he looked at me

"I don't know, should I?" He asked and I nodded

"It is a gift or?" The girl asked and we shook our heads

"So you are expecting children? That's so cute" she said with smile and my hand caressed Hyunjin's stomach, they are growing fast is that even normal?

"Boy or girl?" She asked

"Boy and girl, twins" Hyunjin smiled

"Oh really? That's so cute, I wish you two all the best" The girl smiled and gave us a bag with the clothing

"Thank you," we both said and we left her shop


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