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Karina's pov

"Karina meet my older brother, Scott" Hunter said as we entered the living and saw his older brother sitting on the couch reading a book

We walked to him and he looked up when he saw us coming

He reached out his hand and I shook his hand

"Scott" he smiled and he pulled his hand back

I smiled

After a while

I was sitting on the couch while Hunter and Scott discussing about the whole situation

"Hey Karina" I looked up and I saw Sarah entering the living room, I smiled

"Girl, we are going to change clothing,"  she said

"Why?" I asked

"Because why not" She chuckled and grabbed my hand and she pulled me out of the living room

After minutes

"You have such beautiful hair" Sarah smiled as she brushed my hair

"Thank you" I smiled as I looked at her in the mirror

"I wish my hair was so long yours but why do you have white in your hair?" She suddenly asked

"Is it natural or dyed?" She asked

"Dyed?" I asked her with a confused look

"Yeah, change your hair colour," she said and I shook my head

"Natural colour" I said

"Can I maybe do your hair? Like a braid it and do a ponytail?" She asked and I nodded

She clapped in her eyes of happiness I guess and started doing my hair

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Sarah said "come in" and she smiled while doing my hair

We saw Hunter entering her room

"Hey Hunt" Sarah smiled and started braiding my hair

"What are you two doing?" Hunter asked and he walked to us

"I'm doing Karina's hair, doesn't she look pretty?" Sarah asked and Hunter nodded

I blushed a bit

"Karina are you blushing?" Sarah asked with a grin

"No, I'm not" I said

"Mhm don't worry, Hunter is still available," Sarah said and she stopped with doing my hair

"It's done, what do you think?" Sarah asked

"It's beautiful" I smiled while I looked at myself in the mirror

"Dinner is ready so aee you two coming?" Hunter suddenly asked

"I am always down for food, you too Karina?" Sarah asked and I nodded

"Good" Hunter smiled and we left Sarah's room

After a while

"So here you can stay for a few days" Hunter said as we entered a bedroom, it was nice room

"If you need anything like towels or toilet things just ask it" he smiled and he walked back

"Hunter?" I asked

"Yes Karina?" He smiled

"Thank you" I smiled

"For what?" He asked

"For helping, I really appreciate it that you almost gave up your life for me, a beast" I said while lowering my head and I sat down on the edge of the bed

"Come on, Karina you are not a beast" he said and he walked to me and sat beside me on the bed

"You're just confused about human life and you already learned about it" he smiled

"Really?" I asked him

"Yeah Ofcourse" he said and he got up

"Goodnight Hunter" I said

"Goodnight Karina" he smiled and he left the bedroom closing the door behind him

I sighed and I laid myself down on the bed

I saw the moonlight shining through my window and I got on my knees on the bed

"Please my lady, hear my plea" I whispered

"Please protect my brother and let us reunite together" I whispered and prayed to her

"May she guide us" I whispered and I suddenly heard a knock on the door I said come in

The door got opened and I saw Sarah coming with some clothes folded

"Hey Karina" she smiled

"Hey sarah" I said

"I got you some clothes that you can borrow" she smiled and put it on the dresser

"Thank you" I smiled

"My pleasure, goodnight" she said

"Goodnight" I said and she smiled and she left closing the door behind her


Chan's pov

"You were amazing" I whispered as Hyunjin got off the bed and he left our bedroom

"Hyunjin?" I asked him and grabbed fast underwear from the ground and I slipped it on

I followed hyunjin and he went outside

"Hyune?" I asked him as he sat down on the edge

I grabbed a blanket from the couch and wrapped it around him

"Hyunjin, what's wrong?" I asked him and I sat beside him and he just stared at the water

"Come on baby tell me" I said, a bit concerned and caressed his hand

"Do you think it's true?" He suddenly asked

"What, baby?" I asked him and put my arm around him

"Do you think I can get... pregnant?" He asked and looked at me with sad eyes

"To be honest I don't know at least we tried" I smiled

"What if I can't get a baby, my tribe would-" I cut him off by putting a finger on his lips

"Your tribe wouldn't do anything to you, remember that yue called you her son?" I asked him

"Yeah" He quietly said

"So they won't do anything to you" I said and my hand caressed his back

"You don't know anything about my tribe" he said

"That's right but I know you" I smiled and I booked his nose

"Come on, smile" I said and pushed him a bit with my shoulder and Hyunjin smiled

"That's my boy" I said and kissed his cheek

Hyunjin stood up and I got on my knees in front of him and my hand caressed his stomach and I placed a kiss on his stomach and hyunjin giggled

"Let's go sleep" I said and Hyunjin nodded

I got up and I took him with me inside


Do you think Hyunjin is getting pregnant?

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