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Felix's pov

I was cleaning the dishes and Karina and Hyunjin were watching TV

Minho was working from home, I guess researching

When I was done with washing the dishes I opened the fridge and it was getting empty

"I need to buy some groceries" I thought and I grabbed a paper and pencil to write down what I needed

"Maybe Hyunjin or Karina would like to go with me, learn a but about human" I thought and I looked to them still focusing on the TV

But first I'm going to run for shower

After a while

When I was done with showering, I put my everyday clothes on like shirt, jeans and shoes

I went to the door and grabbed my jacket

"Where are you going?" Suddenly Karina asked

"I'm going to get groceries, food" I said

"Can I go with you?" She asked

"If your brother is fine with it then Ofcourse" I smiled and Karina looked to her brother

Hyunjin smiled and nodded

I gave her jacket a bit big for her, it was Minho's jacket

"Bye Hyunjin!" I said and waved

"Bye and be careful!" He said

"We will" I said as I opened the door

"Ladies first" I said and Karina went outside

I closed the front door behind me and we left

After a while

"Karina?" I asked as she turned around

"Can you get me one watermelon?" I asked her

"What's that a watermelon?" She asked

"It's a big fruit and it's round and the colours are green and dark green" I explained and she nodded and walked away

"The fruits are over there!" I shouted and she nodded

"I hope she will be fine" I thought and pushed the trolly

Few seconds later

"So that's everything" I thought and placed the last grocery in the trolly

"Where is Karina?" I thought and I looked around

She didn't still came back so I went to the fruits departure where Karina would be

While I was on my way to the fruits I heard yelling and I saw a crowd of people standing so I walked a bit faster

"What's happening here?" I thought

I walked through the crowd and I saw Karina leaning over man who was laying on the ground

"Did she push him on the ground just for a watermelon" I heard someone saying

"Karina.." I whispered so I ran to her

"Karina, what are you doing?" I asked

"This man got the last watermelon and its from us" She said and picked up the watermelon

I looked around and I saw people filming us and taking photos

I took Karina's arm with me and we walked away. The people took a few steps back from us especially Karina

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