16 ~ 22 Days left !

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Absorbing the words i slowly looked at her, nodding "yeahhh fineee" she was looking good not angry not pissed. OKAY. She don't know cool.

"What to order?" i asked innocently

"Ask them to send their speciality" she went saying and i sheepishly ordered our famous 'CCL Bagels' and for drinks 'Iced Fruit Punch'.
Then placing calls on every floor i went towards canteen.

One of our parcel boy came when we all were settled on the huge arranged table. On my left was Ashi and on right Jenny, Dane next to her. The whole place was chaos, talks, selfies, Red was scrolling phone, Jenn, Dane were stalking someone, and i was playing candy crush!!

The parcel boy quietly came and handed the parcel to Ramesh uncle. I was so grateful to my workers.

The food was opened and the canteen workers stared serving everyone. All were surprised to see the iced fruit puch.

"What's this?" Ashi asked intrigued-ly

Shifting my chair near her i explained her the dish

"That's Cream Cheese Lox combination bagels, it's known as CCL bagel and that's 'Iced fruit punch'
it's orange flavoured, the juice of orange is freezed and different shapes are formed, we add it in ginger ale and seltzer."

She faced me "How you know?". SHITZ.

"Umm... they explained me on call."

"Ohhhh" she nodded and took the first bite of her bagel and moaned savoring it. I felt a shiver down my spine bcoz of that sound.

"Wow this is..." taking a second bite her eyes glittered eating. "The best thing i had."

The pride i felt was like i made it by myself :) Everyone loved the food and the chaos came to an end after 3 hours. Ashi's this side is great, she does understand when to be strict and when to be not.


The bell rang and getting up on my legs quickly i entered my cabin.

"Yes mam," She today wore black inner and purple jacket on purple pants.

"So inform me what's up and what's pending."
Sitting in front of her straight 2 hours we discussed everything.

"Well you are good at your work," I nodded grinning.

"don't forget you'll leave next month, Rita is coming back on 1 of April and it's 9th March today. " again i nodded.

"Great, sooo you wore shoes today?" she asked. i nodded again. After eyeing me for a minute she got a phone call and left the office.

Waiting till 9pm she didn't came, i too left checking the schedule for last time.


Red gone for a conference at 11 directly from her home, and haven't returned yet. I called Jenny for meeting me at lunch. We all decided to go today in office's canteen.

" Tanzeel Ramesh uncle told me Ashi and you got in a fight." Jenny said while chewing her sandwich. I felt the urgent need to run from here.

"Nothing just. It's fine actually." I waved her off grabbing my burger.

"You sure you don't have a hate-fuck relationship" Daniel asked while sipping his diet coke. I choked on my burger and drank water easing my chest.

"Shut up Dane, it happens only in books and movies, and you know Ashi Khanna is way too wierd." I said lost in the way her eyes look.

"No, but really for a moment she looks at you as if she'll kill you and the other moment she can kill the world for you."

Jenny added snatching Dane's coke. I gulped the burger widening my eyes looking at her. This was a news to me.

"What are you saying guys?" I asked, my insides screaming.

"Yes, trust me, once Rita was late to a meeting and she shouted at her in front of everyone." Leaning closer she continued "Also we seen her yesterday while the treat she gave" I leaned more interestingly

"She stared at you as if she can't help herself to stop looking at you and as if she regrets staring at you" She said lazily waking a havoc in my body especially heart.

"Whatever, I am leaving after 22 days."
I never knew I'll love working like this, on the first day i thought it'll be tiring and too hectic. It Is. But it's fun too, and then thr whole Ashi.

"We never know, what happens" Daniel said smirking. I tried to change the subject.

"Well, how you call her Ashi?, her name is Ashima? right?" i asked curiously.

She waved her hand, Dane saving the glass of coke before her hand hit it. DRAMATIC JENNY SWIFT.

"I am senior to her, we were once paired for a project in my second year, after few days of my it my, dad passed away so mom and I decided to shift at her mom's home. I heard Ashima Khanna was hiring people so i came to meet my friend" she said smiling

I frowned "WOW. But I think i asked you why you call her Ashi?" Daniel laughed and she hit his arms.

Grinning she added "Because she don't like Ashima so she was always Ashi for me."

I nodded actually liking the name Ashima more than Red.

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