I just laugh and nod my head answering her question. Before I get to answer verbally she cuts in with another question, making her eyes obnoxiously light up, A question that she tries to hide under her master scheme to get me and her son together.

"So have you seen my son lately? I've heard the two of you been hanging out a lot recently I even heard he slept over two nights in a row... how'd that go?" Crossing my arms and raising my brow at her she just shrugs her shoulders and smirks at me. Shaking my head I laugh at her

"Good.. great actually we watched some movies and you know did boy stuff. Nothing else happened!" I answered indifferently knowing damn well she wanted to know if I took her sons cock up my ass. I mean of course I didn't why would I? One he isn't gay that's very obvious, two he doesn't know I'm gay, three we have mates waiting for us and unlike him I prefer to wait on my soulmate, and four his dad would have both our heads like literally.

Rolling her eyes the light drains out of them a little bit and her shoulders sag in disappointment. I have never met anyone in my life as adamant on getting their child to fuck their best friend and be with them as much as her. It makes me a little concerned on her mental health I mean she's his mom isn't she supposed to be the one that doesn't want me "fucking her precious baby boy" or that doesn't want me to break her "beloved boy's" heart. My mom would not fuck with that but then again my mom is normal and the Luna with no disrespect is far from normal.

"You two are some fucking prudes I thought I raised my son better than this. You guys would have some beautiful babies just saying" that shit made me cough. She caught me off guard with that one. What the fuck? she just talked about me and her son having babies like it was nothing. Goddess what type of shit is this?

"And that is my Q to go and take my ass home, shower, and back to sleep. When you see the shit face can you tell him to stop by my house I have something to give him... and let him know I won't be able to make it to his coronation next week but I'll be at our lovely birthday party later that night" with that I bow and start to walk away before she can say anything else that will put very unholy thought into my brain like me carrying the bastard's pups in my belly.

Right before I turn the corner to my houses road she yells a response and at that moment I thank the moon goddess by all her good grace that nobody is around right now or I'd probably kill my self right there and then.

"Sure I'll tell addy to go over but you know you could always bring your "ASS" to my son I'm sure with enough persuasion he'd take it!!" At that point I beeline it for my house. Goddess this lady always haves my face bright as a fucking tomato with the way she openly talks about her hot ass son and me. I doubt that he's my mate I'm pretty sure he'd be mated to a very attractive she- wolf but if by the goddesses good grace he is my mate at least I know I'd have one of his parent's blessing.

'If I were you I'd take the offer and bend over so he can take me.. just in case you were wondering' Zac chimed into my thoughts blushing like a love sicken puppy god this shit was hard to deal with

'Well then it's a great thing I wasn't wondering and don't give not one shit about what your horny ass would do'

Zac simply just rolled his eyes about to say something right when I shut him out and walked up the steps to my house. Thank the goddess I could finally relax, shower, and sleep right before I have to get up and start packing for my trip to the training camp with dad. I didn't per say need the training I mean my dad is the head warrior and we train everyday I could pretty much kick anyways below me ass if I wanted to but given that he's one of the instructors at the camp he's taking me, some shit about it "being good for the fighter soul" don't ask me what the fuck that means cause I have no idea.

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