Caspian Unleashes All Hell

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Tyler was in chains along with Lucy and Eustace. He couldn't help but wish that Caspian would hurry up and help them. Lucy looked at him as they were in line "How much do you want to bet Caspian is freaking out right now?"

"That's not even a question." Lucy smiled at the confidence that Tyler had in Caspian. "He's already protective of me but now facing losing me he might just be unstoppable." 

Suddenly a man pulled Lucy forward and onto the platform as people started bidding and it went all the way up to 150. Tyler watched as Lucy was sold for 150 before they brought Eustace up. Tyler watched as Eustace wasn't being bid on at all before someone from the crowd spoke "yeah, he's strong all right." 

When that voice spoke, Tyler had a gut feeling that these slave traders were about to get a rude awakening and that they weren't going to get a chance to sell him. Tyler looked at the slaver in front of him and spoke "oh, you really chose the wrong person to take and sell." Suddenly people removed their cloaks and it was revealed to be Drinian and Reepicheep which made Tyler smile. All of them unsheathed their swords and started fighting as Caspian and Edmund watched from above after they had gotten out of the room. 

Reepicheep grabbed the keys and freed both Tyler and Lucy who then joined the fight after Drinian handed Tyler his daggers from the navigation room. Tyler hurt a yell and turned in time to watch one of the slavers be tossed off a balcony by Caspian. The Telmarine King looked at the Narnian King and both let out simultaneous sighs of relief at seeing each other safe. 

Reepicheep then freed both Edmund and Caspian who each grabbed swords. Caspian was carrying Tyler's sword as well trying to get to him. As Tyler finished fighting and knocked out the trader in front of him he turned in time to see Caspian who jumped off of the balcony himself and landed in front of Tyler. 

Caspian nodded before handing Epilogue to Tyler. The brunette took the sword before Caspian pulled Tyler in for a heated kiss letting out all of the desperation and terror he had felt when Tyler was dragged away from him. Tyler pulled back and smiled "I'm alright." Caspian nodded as the two moved back to fighting. 

With all of the Narnian forces, pissed-off captives and royals, and the slave traders not being able to fight very well, the battle took less than ten minutes. When all of the traders were beaten the Pevensies minus Eustace all took turns hugging Caspian with Tyler going last. Caspian looked at his love after he pulled back. His love that he very nearly just lost so he wasn't particularly keen on letting Tyler leave his sight. 

Caspian sighed as he kissed Tyler's forehead "you ever scare me like that again and I will tie you to me." Tyler chuckled and nodded before falling into the ravenette's arms again.

Caspian handed Tyler back his sword before all of the Narnians walked back to the ship. Suddenly they heard someone speak "your majesty, your majesty." They turned to see a man who looked frantic. Caspian motioned to the others that it was alright before the man spoke again "my wife was taken earlier this morning. I want to come with you. I can fight." 

Caspian and Tyler both looked at each other and nodded as they continued the walk down to the boat. They suddenly heard yelling "my king! my king!" Caspian stopped in front of the old lord "your father gave me this sword and I hid it in a cave all those years ago." 

"That's an old Narnian sword," Edmund and Tyler both spoke as the Lord nodded. 

The Lord looked at Edmund and Tyler "it's from your Golden Age. There are seven such swords, gifts from Aslan to protect Narnia. Your father entrusted them to us. Here and may it protect you." 

Caspian took it before promising to find his lost citizens then all three kings walked towards the boat before Caspian looked at Edmund and handed the rust-covered sword to him making Tyler smile. The next day's sailing was rough but eventually, they came across an island. Caspian looked through the spyglass "it looks uninhabited but if the Lords followed the mist East, they would have stopped here."

Tyler nodded "he's right. They were marching into something unknown, they would have taken any chance to dock in a safe place or a place that looked relatively safe."

Caspian nodded as Edmund turned to the ravenette king "Caspian?"

"We'll spend the night on shore," Caspian handed the spyglass to Drinian. "Scour the island in the morning." Edmund and Tyler looked at themselves and nodded as they loaded into the small boats. 

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