Duel and Battle

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The High King and oldest Pevensie sighed as he walked out to the cheering of the crowd with his brothers by his side. Tyler stopped at the steps in front of the Narnian army and pulled his sword from the sheath in Peter's hands. The black blade glinting and looking like pure darkness in the light. Tyler watched as Miraz put his helmet on before both men headed to down the steps to the square. Tyler paced in front of Miraz who spoke "there is still time to surrender."

"Feel free," Tyler spoke glaring at him. "But otherwise, not a chance."

"How many more must die for the throne?"

"Just one," Tyler spoke before pulling his helmet over his face. The swords met in a thunderous clang as Miraz hit Tyler in the face with his sword. Tyler slashed again and got Miraz in the knee before his helmet was knocked clean off. Tyler somersaulted over Miraz as he swung landing in a crouch quickly standing back up.

Tyler tripped Miraz and stood facing him before hearing a horse and seeing Caspian come riding in with Susan behind him but no Lucy. Caspian caught Tyler's eye and winced but Miraz brought Tyler's attention back to him "does his highness need a respite?"

"Five minutes?"

"Three," Miraz spoke as they both limped back to their sides.

Caspian immediately showed up in front of him along with Susan and Tyler looked at Susan "Lucy?"

"Got through," Susan looked at Caspian. "With a little help."

Tyler smiled as he looked at Caspian "thanks." Caspian nodded Tyler spoke again "you better get up there. I don't expect the Telmarine will keep their word." Susan sighed and hugged him causing Tyler to wince but Susan headed up to the archers.

Tyler sat down and allowed Caspian to take his shield while Peter helped with his sword. Tyler stood up and looked at Peter and Edmund on his right who were offering him his helmet. Tyler shook his head before he looked at Caspian hoping he was conveying what he wanted. 

Tyler stepped back out into the stone square and watched as Miraz pushed away his helmet as well before the two immediately met in battle again. Tyler finally managed to free Miraz of his shield before punching him in the wrapped knee. Tyler held the sword up over Miraz as he watched the man kneel. Tyler dropped his sword and turned away before hearing Caspian and Peter shout "look out!" 

Tyler ducked and turned around mid duck to see Miraz swing a sword at him. Tyler grabbed the sword and twisted it taking it for himself and sending it straight into Miraz's stomach. Miraz fell to his knees as Tyler lifted the sword ready to strike. Miraz looked up at the resilient king "too cowardly to take a life?" 

Tyler glared at him before shrugging "it's not mine to take." He then turned and looked at Caspian holding the sword out to him. Caspian moved forward and looked at Tyler silently asking if he was sure. Tyler nodded and stepped back watching as Caspian raised the sword before it hit the ground in front of Miraz. 

Caspian looked at his monster of an uncle "keep your life. But I am giving the Narnians back their kingdom." Caspian turned back to the Narnians to see Tyler and Peter smiling at him as the Narnians cheered. All of a sudden there was a commotion and Miraz was dead. 

The Telmarines were now marching before Tyler and Peter turned to Caspian "go." Caspian hopped on his horse before heading into the How as Tyler, Peter, and Edmund stood together. Tyler and Peter started the count as they watched the Telmarine cavalry pound toward them "one, two" 

Caspian while leading the others "three, four." 

"Five, six" Tyler and Peter spoke. "eight, nine. Get ready!" 

"Now!" Peter, Caspian, and Tyler all yelled together as the field started to collapse underneath the horses. The archers let their arrows fly straight into the pit as Edmund climbed onto a horse, Caspian led their armies to surround the cavalry, and Peter joined Tyler in fighting. 

It was pure mayhem as Edmund took a crossbow to everything that moved, Susan shot arrow after arrow, archers rode griffins but there were too many people. Tyler and Peter headed back to the How but it collapsed on them blocking their entrance. Peter, Caspian and Tyler looked up in time to see Susan fell but she was fine. 

Tyler, Peter, and Caspian turned to face the Telmarines as Edmund and Susan joined them. Tyler and Peter broke into a run with Caspian, Edmund and Susan right next to them. Tyler's sword was a weapons of death as they ran into battle, it killed everything in sight. Peter, Tyler, Caspian, and Susan were basically fighting in a circle making sure no one got in. 

Caspian threw a knife at someone who was aiming for Tyler who nodded in thanks. The others kept fighting but it was too much as Caspian was forced back into the ditch he created. He was suddenly found with a spear at his throat when a tree root came out of the ground saving him. Caspian was pulled up by Peter and Tyler as they all watched stunned as the trees moved and took out the catapults. 

Tyler and Peter looked at each other "Lucy." Tyler, Peter, and Caspian smiled finally believing that they could actually do this. 

Peter looked at all of them before yelling "for Aslan!" It echoed through the army as the Pevensies and Caspian ran back into battle chasing them all the way to the river. 

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