Floods and Narnia

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In England, two Pevensies were at the market while the third stayed where he had always been since they had arrived at their aunt and uncles after their parents and their other siblings had left for America. Peter Pevensie had recently joined Susan and their mother in America but he had fought against leaving Tyler as he was the only one that could get the resilient king to talk after leaving Narnia. 

After Peter left Tyler had tried to remain happy and talking but everything always reminded him of Caspian and Narnia so slowly Tyler retreated from talking to people and just read books or laid in bed playing with the ring on his left ring finger. It stayed the same even after getting to their aunt and uncles and dealing with their cousin Eustace. Tyler Pevensie had just given up on talking and possibly life. 

Now Edmund and Lucy the two youngest Pevensies were in the market getting food for their aunt's recipes but now were headed back. They got back to the house and Lucy immediately went to go check on her oldest brother. Lucy walked to the room in the corner of the house and saw the brown-haired twenty-one-year-old sitting on the bed reading a book. She walked to him "Ty, are you ok?" 

Tyler looked up at his sister and spoke like he usually did in short sentences. "No, everything reminds me of him and I'm no closer to going back to Narnia than I was two days ago." With that, he turned away from his sister and back to his book. Lucy then told Tyler and Edmund that they had a letter from Susan. 

Tyler perked up even though he hadn't gotten over what his sister had done the last time they were in Narnia which made him sad as they used to be quite close. Susan wrote about how she was liking America and being invited to the Naval Ball by an officer. Tyler noticed though that Edmund had walked over to a picture of a boat on the sea. 

When Lucy got to the part about staying in Cambridge for another few months Edmund was stunned "another few months. You two are lucky, you get your own rooms while I have to share with Eustace." Edmund laid down on the bed "yeah we're the youngest so we don't particularly matter." 

"Except for Ty who true to Aslan's word was allowed to stay here and not go to war" Lucy sighed as she spoke from her place in front of the mirror. 

"Luc, Ty," Tyler and Lucy looked over to Edmund who had called for them. "Have you seen this ship before?"

Lucy smiled "yes, it's very Narnian looking, isn't it?" 

Tyler looked away from the picture as Edmund sighed "yes, just another reminder that we're here and not there." 

"There once was three orphans," all three Pevensies turned to the doorway to see the cousin that none of them liked. "Who wasted their time believing in Narnian nursery rhymes." 

Edmund stepped forward "please let me hit him" as Lucy and Tyler reached out just in time to hold him back. 

Lucy looked back at the painting "Ty, Ed, it looks like the water is actually moving." Tyler stared at the painting and realized that his younger sister was right. Edmund and Eustace started to get into it like usual when Lucy spoke again "Ty, Edmund, the painting." 

Tyler looked back at the painting and was stunned that the waves were actually moving. When Tyler got a blast of the sea breeze in his face, for the first time in three years he dared hope that this was the way back to Narnia. 

Water started pouring into the bedroom as Lucy, Edmund, and Tyler stared at the painting in shock with smiles spreading across their faces. The water was pouring out in gallons as the room flooded causing all four occupants to fall to the floor and go underwater. 

The four started to swim and as they swam the water became larger, clearer, and less surrounded by furniture. When they came to the surface there was no land around and they were in the middle of the ocean with the ship from the painting looming above them. 

The four started to swim to get away from the ship when they heard splashes in the water behind them. Suddenly, both Edmund and Tyler stopped when they heard Lucy call out "Ty, Ed, it's Caspian!" 

Tyler and Edmund immediately stopped swimming before looking at each other and smiling. Edmund couldn't help but smile, not because of the fact that they were in Narnia after three years but the fact that this was the first true smile that he had seen on his brother's face in three years. 

All three of the Pevensies were helped onto the ship, Caspian wrapped a towel around Lucy as Tyler and Edmund were also handed towels before Tyler and Edmund both called to Caspian as he was walking away "Caspian?" 

Caspian turned around and smiled as he set his eyes on Tyler for the first time in three years. He looked at him "Tyler?" When Tyler nodded, Caspian immediately walked over to the two remaining Pevensies and hugged them. He hugged Edmund first and then Tyler whom he hugged for a little longer. 

All four turned at the sound of someone screaming and Tyler face palmed from his place beside Caspian at seeing his cousin and Reepicheep on the deck. Tyler couldn't help but laugh at the situation after how horrible he had been to them in England. 

When Eustace finally stood up he had just heard the mouse talk and was stunned "did anyone hear that, he just talked." 

A crew member looked at Eustace "he always talks." 

Caspian and Tyler then spoke in unison "it's getting him to shut up that's the problem." Tyler and Caspian looked at each other and chuckled. 

Caspian then headed up to the steps and addressed his men "men, behold our castaways. Edmund the Just, Lucy the Valiant, and Tyler the Resilient. High Kings and Queens of Narnia." The three Pevensies smiled as all of the men bowed to them before they headed to get changed and to talk with Caspian.

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