See You Laters

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The next morning Caspian woke up to see Tyler laying beside him. He didn't want to wake him because the sooner he did, the sooner Tyler was going to leave him. 

Tyler groaned and looked at Caspian before it hit him again that he was leaving the one place he truly felt at home and the one person he truly loved with no idea when he would be returning. 

In the courtyard, the Pevenise siblings all stood together as Caspian spoke "Narnia belongs to the Narnains, just as it does to man. Any Telmarines who want to stay and live in peace are welcome to. But for any of you who wish. Aslan will return you to the home of our forefathers." 

"It's been generations since we left Telmar." 

Aslan spoke "we're not talking about Telmar." They looked confused "your ancestors were seafaring brigands. Pirates run aground on an island. There they found a cave, a rare chasm that brought them here from their world. The same world as our kings and queens." Aslan looked at the Pevensies who looked confused. "It is to that island I can return you. It is a good place for any who wish to make a new start."

"I will go," Caspian turned to see Glozelle and a woman holding a baby. "I will accept the offer. Caspian bowed his head as the two walked forward. 

Aslan looked at them "because you have spoken first your future in that world shall be good." He blew on them before blowing on a tree and opening a portal for them to walk through. 

People started shouting "how do we know he's not leading us to our deaths." 

Peter and Tyler looked at each other and nodded before Peter spoke "we'll go." 

Caspian immediately looked to Tyler who nodded. Caspian had tears in his eyes as he watched both High Kings come up to him and take their swords off. Peter and Tyler nodded before handing Caspian the swords. Caspian looked at Tyler "I'll hold it safe until you return." 

Tyler nodded and hugged Caspian before pulling back and Caspian spoke in a whisper "Don't leave." 

"I'll be back like Aslan said." 

Caspian looked at his love "you promise you'll come back to me. 

"I promise," Tyler leaned his forehead against Caspian's. "When I do I won't leave again."  

Caspian nodded "I love you."

"I love you too," Tyler spoke softly before he pulled back and headed to stand next to Peter. Even though Caspian was dead silent as he watched Tyler start to leave with his siblings, when Tyler looked back at him his face spoke a thousand words. 

It screamed as loud as the waves hitting the rocks on a stormy day. The love of his life was leaving him and he wasn't sure when he'd ever get him back or if. As he watched Tyler step into the tree, he wanted to scream for Tyler not to leave but knew that would get him nowhere as a tear streamed down his cheek. All he could do was hope that the time lined up so that they could see each other again. 

The Telmarine prince turned king stood there for hours after just staring at the tree with tears openly streaming down his face as he looked at Epilogue in his hand. When he finally headed inside the castle, he placed Rhindon along with Lucy's dagger and Susan's bow in cases. Epilogue however he placed on the other side of his bed sheath and all not willing to part with it and lock it up just yet. 


Meanwhile, the Pevensies returned to the moment that they had left and the first thing Tyler did was move to feel for the ring and smiled that it was still on his finger and had come with him from Narnia. 

Peter noticed his older brothers face before saying "you'll be back to see him soon and I'm sure that nothing will have changed for him." 

Tyler sighed as the train came and they picked up their stuff "you don't know that what if he forgets me?" 

"Caspian was obsessed with you, I doubt he'll forget that easy" Edmund spoke as they boarded the train.

Lucy nodded "you and Caspian will meet again. Aslan will make sure of it."  

"I hope," Tyler spoke as he stared out the window of the train wishing that he was back in Narnia right now more specifically in Caspian's arms.

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