Armies Arrive, Risky Plans, and Kisses

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Tyler had headed back inside the How when he was stopped by Susan just outside the Stone Table room. Peter walked up behind Susan with Edmund and Lucy just as Susan spoke "I heard you and Caspian kissed." Tyler was silent as Susan spoke again "why would Caspian like you?" Tyler along with the rest of his siblings stared at her stunned. "He's him and you're you." 

Tyler stood there stunned with a confused look on his face as he stared at his sister not recognizing her at all. His face was a mixture between disbelief, hurt, and betrayal. Tyler was saved from responding by Lucy jumping to her older brothers aid "Caspian and Tyler would make a lovely couple." 

Tyler smiled at her before Caspian came down and spoke to the siblings "you need to see this." 

Peter spoke as he walked past Susan "what is your problem. Tyler is our brother." 

Edmund then joined in as he walked past Susan "for the love of god Susan, we're literally in a world with talking animals and a lion as a god and the fact that somebody likes our brother is what you have a hard time grasping." 

Tyler smiled as Peter stopped in front of Caspian "You hurt Tyler, I will not hesitate to hurt you Caspian."

"I promise I won't hurt your brother." Caspian spoke before looking over at Tyler "I don't think I even could." Tyler smiled before they all headed back out of the How onto the ledge and watched as thousands of Telmarines marched across the grass. Tyler, Peter, and Caspian all looked at each other as Caspian slipped his hand into Tyler's again making Tyler smile despite the circumstances. 

They moved inside the Stone Table room as Tyler stood next to Caspian as Trumpkin spoke to Peter "that's your next big plan. Sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest? Alone!" 

"It's our only chance." Peter spoke "we need Aslan." 

"And she won't be alone," Susan spoke as she stepped forward causing all of us to look at her. 

Peter looked at them "we have to hold them off until Lucy and Susan get back." 

Caspian moved from beside me "if I may." Everyone turned to look at the prince "Miraz may be a tyrant and a murdered... but as king, he is subject to the traditions...and expectations of his people. There is one in particular that might buy us some time." 

Tyler and Peter looked at each other before Tyler spoke "single combat." Caspian nodded as Tyler spoke again "I'll do it." 

Peter and Caspian both turned to him "No!" 

"He's going to want me anyway." Tyler spoke basically pleading with Peter and Caspian to understand. "I killed his wife. Not to mention the fact that I'm the best swordsmen we have currently." 

Peter looked at his older brother "fine" before sighing as Tyler went to train and sharpen his sword. Peter noticed the look on Caspian's face as everyone left "he's been protecting us for years since he's the oldest of us. He thinks it's his responsibility. When we were facing the White Witch I was the one about to fight her but he cut me off. Kept me from her." 

Caspian looked at Peter "I'm just worried because I've liked him since forever and I finally got a chance and now he could die at the hands of my uncle." 

"Tyler was right when he said he was the best swordsmen," Peter started trying to find a way to reassure the prince. "He's beaten almost everyone plus he's fast. Not to mention he always fights like hell to come home. He's resilient." Peter chuckled along with Caspian at the adjective before they split up. 

The three reunited as Edmund came back and Tyler looked at him "well?" 

"He accepted," Tyler nodded as Caspian and Peter looked at each other. They now had a better understanding of each other given how much they cared about Tyler. 

Tyler now stood watching as Lucy and Susan sat on Destrier before Caspian hit the horse causing the girls to head out the secret tunnels. Caspian turned to Tyler and the High King looked over the Telmarine and noticed that he was tense. "Hey," Tyler spoke catching the attention of the prince. "I'll be fine." 

Caspian sighed and moved closer to him basically boxing the High King to the wall of the How. "I know but it's still a scary scenario." Tyler sighed before Caspian continued "in case I don't get the chance to tell you. I love you." 

Tyler's eyes widened at Caspian's declaration before looking the Telmarine prince in the eye "I love you too." Caspian smiled before leaning in and connecting their mouths into a passionate kiss.

 It lasted only for a moment but made both men feel better before Peter peaked around the corner "Ty, it's time." Tyler nodded before getting dressed in his armor with the help of Caspian and Peter. Caspian watched as Tyler stood at the entrance of the How and knew that if Tyler died, he was going to blame himself considering he's the reason they came back to Narnia in the first place and he didn't know if he could forgive himself for that so he prayed to anybody that was listening that his uncle didn't take Tyler Pevensie away from him like he took so many others.

Resilient - Caspian XWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu