The Flight of His Life

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You know when they tell you that sometimes you'll be in situations where you either fight for your life or run for your life? Yeah, this night was one of those moments for a young prince who was dealing with a tyrant of an uncle. 

In a land that used to be filled with animals of all kinds that could talk, trees the could dance and be used to send messages, centaurs and other mythical creatures there was a daunting castle that stuck out in the pitch black night. The castle was eerily quiet save for the screams of a woman who was giving birth and was currently about to change everything even though she was unaware of it. 

A man who looked like a king but was nothing more than a lord if that more accurately a tyrant was standing at the window listening. Another man joined him in the room "you have a son my lord." 

"The heavens have blessed us." The first man spoke with a sigh of relief "you know your orders." The second man was hesitant and the first turned his head to the side "general Glozelle." 

"Yes, my lord" the general spoke as he bowed still uncomfortable with the fact that he was sentencing a boy to death. 

In a room in the castle on a four poster bed with purple sheets and beige drapes, a young man of Spanish nature with shoulder length black hair who's name was Caspian slept peacefully as an old man in a black cloak with a white beard moved silently and quickly through the quiet hallways. This man was Doctor Cornelius, Caspian's professor who was desperate to save the rightful heir to Narnia from his horrific and brutal uncle who wanted nothing more than to find a reason to kill him and now his uncle had meaning Caspian was in great danger. 

Cornelius silently entered the room not waking anyone as he moved quickly. He moved fast to Caspian's bedside and placed a hand over his mouth causing Caspian to jolt awake. He looked up and saw the professor "five more minutes" with his Spanish accent and then turned back over. 

Cornelius hurriedly looked at the door "you won't be watching the starts tonight, my prince." Caspian noticed the tone in his professor's voice and immediately turned around. "Come. We must hurry." 

Caspian was pulled out of bed and was confused "professor, what's going on?"

"Your aunt has given birth... to a son." Caspian's eyes widened as he realized what that meant before watching his professor open a hidden passageway in his wardrobe. "Come." Caspian wasted no time getting into the wardrobe and shutting the door. He left a sliver of a crack to watch and was stunned when he saw soldiers come into the room and immediately fire arrows at his bed. 

Then they fired another round before it was as Caspian took off after his professor. His heart pounded and the blood rushed through his body. He could hear it. They stopped in the armory and Caspian grabbed a sword and armor before getting on his pitch black horse Destrier. He looked at his professor "you must make for the woods. They won't follow you there." He pulled a horn in the shape of a lion out of his cloak "it has taken me many years to find this." 

Caspian took it and looked at it before putting it in his pocket as his professor spoke again "do not use it except at your greatest need." 

"Will I ever see you again?"

Cornelius smiled "I dearly hope so, my prince. There is so much more I meant to tell you. Everything you know is about to change. Now, go." Caspian wasted no longer and took off stopping in the town to look back as fireworks exploded. He watched as soldiers crossed the bridge after him and took off. 

He had to make it out of the town, he kept looking behind him until he hit the grass and then kicked Destrier to go faster. Destrier and Caspian raced across the grass trying to outrun the soldiers that wanted Caspian dead. Caspian ran into the woods and kept moving not willing to let up until he knew that he was safe. 

Caspian heard the thundering of hooves behind him and kept looking as he raced towards the woods and away from the castle. He took Destrier through the lake which slowed them down as the soldiers chased after him. Destrier found his way across and took off in a mad gallop towards the tree line. Caspian continued to look behind him before hitting his head on a branch and falling from Destrier. 

The prince was dragged a couple of hundred yards before slipping his foot free and laying on the ground. He sat up slowly looking around before he heard creaking as what looked like dwarves came out of the tree roots. He looked at his sword before a dwarf came at him with a knife making Caspian back away. 

The raven haired prince looked at his only hope which was the lion shaped horn on the forest floor and scrambled for it as he lifted it to his mouth and blew it before everything went dark. 

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