
"He has your hair, Your Grace" Laughter is heard from the remark.

"He does have my hair."

"He has your eyes, Your Grace" More laughter ensued.

"Yes, he does! And you have my nose, don't you?"

Aegon had just turned two. The boy was a gem of a little thing already. While still a child, he was easily excited, and curious and always tried to be independent. Just the other day he wished to feed himself, though he chose to do it with his hands instead of the spoon.

It was a moment to celebrate. The name day I mean and not Aegon failing to feed himself. A grand hunt had been arranged where Nobles from all around were invited to attend.

I made my way towards my father and my brother, murmuring a gentle word of excuse to the two men in between whom I passed through. I smiled apologetically at Lord Hightower and Ser Otto before continuing my walk.

An excited squeal fell from my brother's lips when he saw me, arms extending towards me as an invitation to carry him. It was a normal scene these days, Aegon would get excited seeing me and wanting to be carried by no one else.

"There's my favourite little brother" I grinned, scooped the child in my arms and held him close to me.

"He is your only little brother, Rhaenyra" Father chuckled, happiness practically oozing off of him.

"Not for long I'm thinking" I teased, eyeing the swollen belly of my stepmother.

"This one is a girl. I can feel it" Alicent smiled at me, gently caressing her swollen belly.

"Your Grace" Ser Tyland's voice brought my attention away from Alicent to the Master of Ships. He looked worried. "I bring urgent news from the Stepstones."

Father's smile faded from his lips and he turned away from the man to his son.

"The Crabfeeder has dug in for a siege on Bloodstone while his men sabotage our fleet under the cover of dark."

"Ser Tyland, let us speak of this privately" I stated calmly, handing my brother to Father, he did not look too happy about it. My Father smiled at me gratefully. I walked up to the Master of ships, wound an arm around his arm and gently pried him away from the gathering.

"You must forgive Father, he does not like to attend to grave matters on his children's name days" I smiled up at him. "Tell me the situation."

"With the Triarchy now sheltering in Bloodstone's caves, the threat of the dragons is blunted."

"Don't they have foot soldiers?"

"The network of caves that the Triarchy is hiding in is better known to them than they are to our men. Ambushes had diminished our ranks greatly. The mercenaries Lord Corlys hired are also withdrawing in droves seeing it as a losing effort."

"It's been three years since this war started, and I believe these problems did not just start overnight. Why are we hearing of this so late?"

"The raven we received suggests that Prince Daemon might have a hand in it."

"Of course, he does" I sighed in disappointment. Trust my uncle to withhold information out of pride or something akin. "So we need to send more men, is that it?"

"That would be the preferable course of action, Princess."

"Very well, write to Storm's End. Tell them that the King wants them to send the men that they were told to hold back as insurance. Send a portion of the Royal Navy out as well, strengthen our numbers on the water."

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