chapter twenty-five

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"It's over.", Stella said solemnly, the tense air suffocating the room seemed to get even worse. The anticipation was over, but the grief worsened. "No...", Aisha shook her head, eyes glassed over. "I'm sorry. They took her.", Stella's cheeks were already wet from crying. Musa was in pure disbelife, Terra started crying softly, while Flora comforted Aisha as she too started crying. Sae sat on one of the sofa's tapping with her right foot. She licked her lips as her eyes were trained on the ground. Her heart hurt for her friend.

"It'll be okay.", Stella said softly as she hugged Aisha. "We have to get her out. Can't we appeal the ruling?", Flora concluded after a few minutes of silence. "Mom has sole discretion in her ruling. Once she makes up her mind, it literally becomes law.", Stella answers her a tea now in her hands as she sat cuddled on the sofe across from Sae, who hadn't moved a muscle. Except for her bouncing leg. 

"Go back to her. Change her mind.", Flora pushed, her head turning to Sae as she heard her bitter chuckle. "Yeah, that doesn't happen.", Sae looked up at Flora, then her eyes found Stella who put her lips in a thin line. Queen Luna and Sae's father weren't so different in their ruling. 

"What about the crystal? It has fragments of the Dragon Flame. Maybe we can use that to break her out? Or if we get a message to Bloom, then she can break herself out? That's sounds like her, right? You know her.", Flora still tried, looking hopeful. "I thought I did, but..", Aisha started, a tea in her hands aswell. "You didn't see her in there, Flora. Bloom's given up."

Sae couldn't imagine giving up. Even if it meant losing all her control, she wouldn't let them lock her up like that. That wasn't an option in her mind. She'd rather die trying to be free. 

"Yeah, but, that doesn't mean we have to. Bloom is scared. So are we all. But that doesn't mean we have to live in fear. As long as one person has hope, there's still a chnace.", Flora was adamant. "Keep on that hope then. Bceuase you're the only one hopeful.", Sae said standing up and walking over to the window, opening it a little so fresh air could get in the suffocating room. 

"Read the room, Flora. It's over.", Terra said dejetctivly, agreeing with Sae. Flora sighed walking away to her room. Sae was leaning on the perch of the window, her eyes roaming over the countless flowers Terra planted. But the motion outside caught her eyes. She watched five SUV's roll onto the school grounds. The familiar flag on the first Suv made her stomach clench. 

"This is just getting better and better.", she murmured sa she psuhed herself off, stomping on her way out. "What happened?", Musa asks the water fairy, their friendship got closer in the last few weeks. And Musa felt like she owed Sae for all the times she were there for her. Sae only grumbled in response an incoherent sentence and slammed the door on her way out. The girls quickly scrambled to the window peeking through. 

"Who is that?", Flora questioned as they watched the men walk out, the guards in dark blue clothes. "I've seen them come a few times already.", Terra says, remembering the few short visits. "That's a flag from Andros.", Aisha says, explaining herself as soon as she saw the girls look at her. "My parents are very close with their King.", she shurgs and Stella nods. "Must be her father.", she whispers, the other four girls eyes widen as they watch them dissapear into the school.

"Why would they come? Does it have something to do with Bloom?", they return to their spots on the sofa. "I doubt it, they don't have any influence on this matter.", Stella shakes her head. "They definitely heard about Rosalind. But why would they be coming here for?", Musa asks, but the question stays lingering in the air as noone has an answer.

Sae sucked in a breath puffing her cheeks as she stood in the Headmistress' office, waiting for her father to make his way inside. She didn't know what the hell was he doing here, she conisdered fleein and hiding until he left. But the girls were miserable, Sky wanted to see Bloom and Riven was busy with distracting Silva so he wouldn't catch on to Sky.

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