Chapter six

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As Sae walked back to the suite, she hoped it would be empty and expected to see the girls fast asleep. But when she walked inside,  she saw Musa sitting on the couch, a blanked draped over her legs. She quietly greeted her and walked towards the bathroom door.

"Why are you embarrassed?", Musa asked lowering her headphones, her eyes glowing purple. Sae looked over at her, desperation written  all over her face. Musa instantly tapped the place next to her, and Sae walked over, plopping down beside her.

"I am, officially, a dumbass.", Sae muttered. She didn't get it really, why she felt like this suddenly. She felt stupid for feeling embarrassed over such a stupid thing, when Riven probably didn't even care. She nintey-nine percent sure he wasn't even listening to her.

"Wanna talk about it?", Sae thought about, if she wanted to tell her. But the guilt seared in her stomach. It's been only a few days and the girls were nothing but nice to her, yet she always managed to avoid them whenever she could, without it being noticeable. She doesn't want them to get too close.

She shakes her head no and Musa nods as she puts her hand around her shoulders, easing her off. Sae almost instantly felt the tension leaving her body, her mind relaxing. It's like she wasn't worried, scared or anxious anymore.

Her nostrils flared when she noticed, Musa tensing up beside her. "Get out of my head.", she said, her voice quiet but steady. She knew she didnt have to voice it out for Musa to feel her anger.

Musa opens her mouth  but Sae cuts her off just by one look in her direction. With still purple glowing eyes, Musa stands up after Sae and follows her closely.

"Wait, Sae. I just - I felt how you feel and - and I couldn't just sit here knowing I can help and do nothing. "

"I never asked for your help."

"But, your emotions were so strong. I never felt that. And the fact I can enter easily sense what you're feeling. I just thought -" she cuts her off "You thought nothing. That's the problem. You don't think.", Sae muttered, pointing an accusing finger at her.

Musa shut her mouth and Sae turns around and left to go to the bathroom. She doesn't know what came over her, to get so angry with Musa.

She just couldn't let her in, and the fact Musa could get inside her mind that easily, scared her. She doesn't want someone to feel what she feels. She doesn't want them to know.

She didn't bother to apologise as much as she wanted to, but she knew Musa could feel the guilt.

It's been a a bit more than a week since the whole lost ring fiasco, and Sae managed to keep away from everyone. She would talk with Stella and Sky here and there  but she mostly kept to herself.

So she was nervous as she sat with Stella on the bench as she typed away on her phone. Her eyes were trained on the boys in front of her on the podium training.

She could see Silva come up and say something, it didn't take long for Riven to win. Sae couldn't say she was surprised, she knew he was good, but just the same she knew Sky was better last year.

They talked with each other as they made their way over to us. "What do you think Stel?", Sky asks as he reaches for his bottle, she keeps her eyes trained on him. But she still kept up with every step he made.

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