Chapter two

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Note: idk if Riven has brown eyes, I can't remember but he'll have brown eyes in this book


"There's just something about her.", Sky says just as he swings his wooden sword towards Riven who blocks it. " What, you're smitten after one chat?", he smirks, but it doesn't stay long. "Like you were last year?"

Riven rolls his eyes and takes the opportunity to swing back at him. "I don't know what you're talking about.", he grunts as he blocks another hit from Sky.

"What is it with you and the crazy ones, anyway?" - "How do you know she's crazy, you haven't even met her.", Sky spreads out his hands and Riven rolls his eyes.

"She's ginger, they're all nuts.", he shrugs but adds "Amazing shags tho." He raises his brows, pointing with his index finger to his head first, then points it at Sky.

"Oh, you speak from experience? Didn't know your hand was a redhead.", Sky chuckles to himself, blocking the hit from Riven and swiftly hitting him under the legs and pushing him down.

Riven falls down with a thud as his wooden sword falls next to him. " You got slow this summer." The blonde comments.

In that moment Sae decided to show her presence. "No, he just got high this summer.", she smiles knowingly, crossing her arms over her chest. Both boys look over to her, Riven sitting up and leaning his hands on his knees.

"Oh, so you had time to be with him this summer, but didn't have time to text me back?", Sky puts his hand over his heart, acting offended, while Riven's eyes followed over her figure as if seeing her for the first time.

He looked her, from her strong legs, up towards her toned arms and finally her face. He noticed she got a bit tan over the summer, but not as much as she had last year, her cheeks were a little sunburnt which was a nice contrast to her hair that was lazily made in a messy bun.

"No need to be jelaous, I just know the dickhead.", she teases Sky and starts walking up the stairs on to the platform. It was like Ricen has woken up when he saw her figuer approaching, he got up from the floor, walking towards her.

"When did you get here?", he asks curiously, a smirk playing on his lips. Sky rolls his eyes and mutters under his breath "Now who's smitten?", Riven hears him but chooses to ignore him, his brown eyes never leaving Sae's green ones.

"Missed me that much?", she teases, a smirk playing on her lips too. They stop, only a step between them. "Quiet the opposite. I wished I didn't have to see your face this year." - "Ditto."

They both bite their tongue, wishing they didn't say the words they did. But both knew they couldn't. Sky rolls his eyes, bumps Riven shoulder as he passes him and puts his hand around Sae.

"Well, I, did miss you.", he murmurs in her hair and lightly kisses the top of her head. "I missed you too, Blondie.", she puts her arms around him too, but doesn't keep it for long, her arms falling by her side in a second.

She isn't a hugger, and everyone who knew her knew that. But Sky still did it because that's just who he is and how he shows his love. While Riven did it to purposefully annoy her and although she'd try to act like it doesn't t bother her he's always succeed in riling her up.

Riven noticing her hands by her sides devides to comment "Oh, get a room." Sae rolls her eyes at their friend as Sky pulls away. The blonde gives his friend a look, his lips pulled in a knowing smile and eyebrows raised.

Riven just waves him off and walks off the platform, but not before ruffling Sae's hair. Which makes her bun to fall out, she tries to swat his hand but he pulls it away before she succeeds and ends up flailing her arm in air. "Fuck you.", she mutters as she takes out her hair out of the bun, and ties it again, somewhat neatly.

"About that smoking thingy she mentioned earlier.." Sky trailer off walking off the platform I now with Sae. She gives a guilty look to Riven as he hangs his shoulder, leaning his head back.

"Whatever big brother speech you're about to give me...", Riven starts, but Sky was quick to interrupt. "There's no speech." - "...I don't wanna hear it." Riven says anyway. "A more productive use of your time would be to distract your aggro father figure so I don't get expelled." He tucks a cigarette behind his ear and goes to walk away.

"Get him expelled.", Sae mutters, jabing Sky with her elbow jokingly as he rolls his eyes and goes towards Silva with a small smile. Riven turns around and walks backwards, raising his middle finger to her. He motions with his head for her to follow him and she does without thinking.

"Shouldn't you be at your class right now?", he asks, taking the cigarette from behind his ear and lighting it. Sae humms as she walks beside him. "Yeah, but you know..", she shrugs her arms and Riven looks at her.

He didn't know, but he wasn't the type to ask. He nods inhaling the smoke and lowering the hand, loosely holding the cigarette. Her left hand found his right one, fingers gently taking the cigarette from between his fingers as he lets her take it.

He knew she'd take it, she never asks for a new one and she never takes when he offers. "How'd you know I was getting high this summer?", he mutters, trying to keep his eyes away from her lips that curled around the cigarette that was moments ago in his mouth.

"Because I was too.", she jokingly answers, she isn't surprised, they did smoke often together last year when they stopped hating each other. They slow to a stop, his eyes meeting hers.

Although, she was smiling, it didn't really reach her eyes, she was biting her cheek and he knew she lied. He didn't really understand why she lied, he wouldn't mind if she stopped smoking - if that was the case. He wished he could too. But again, he isn't the type to ask.

"Sae!", she turns her head following the voice calling after her, but his gaze stays on her. Seeing Stella with her hands crossed and leaning on one leg, she curses "Damn, I have to go."

Riven subtly reached with his arm to take the cigarette out her hand, that wasn't visible to Stella. He knew the light fairy dissaporved of Sae smoking and he didn't want her to get an earful because of one smoke.

She looks at him gratefully and goes to walk away, slightly waving at him. "Goodbye, Dickhead." He lowers his head, shaking it. "Bye, Princess." he mutters. Her heart flitters at the nickname he gave her last year.

But last year he teased her with it, trying to get her angry because he noticed it was riling her up without really knowing why. He didn't really think much of it, but it kept her thoughts busy, and made her hate him even more. She hated anyone who ever said it to her. Yet, now she couldn't wait for him to say it.

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