chapter nine

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Sae was ignoring the fact Queen Luna asked to see her, by ignoring everyone else. Her logic was if noone comes to tell her she wants to see her, then she can at least half lie when she eventually does see her.

But someone was very persistent in talking to her, so the certain red head gave her best to track down Sae. In which she succeded by the entrance of the East wing. 

"Sae!", Bloom whisper yelled to get her attention. Sae turns around slowly, her eyes wide. "You ddn't see me.", she said while turning on her heel and turning the croner, but Bloom followed her and grabbed her hand once  she reached her. "No, wait. I need you for something."

"Shouldn't you be at the assembly? You do know it's mandatory?", Sae tried to talk her out of remembering why she was looking for her. Whichshe assumed was the same reason as it was for everyone else who stopped her today."Yeah, which means everyone's distracted.", Bloom raised her brows, a smug look on her face. That caught Sae's interest. 

"Where are we breaking in?", Sae smirked and Bloom sighed releaved. She knew Sae was the only person she could go to that wouldn't ask a million question. She was the kind of person that didn't mind doing something dangerous or stupid, or to get her hands dirty. And all that without knowing why and who for was she doing it. She's just happy she's involved. 

A couple of minutes later they were in the dark hallway, Sae was about open the door but someone pushed their hand out, stopping her from doing so. She gasped, her fight or flight instinct kicking in as her left fist flew towards the person's face. 

"Sky?", Bloom whispered, Sae pulled her lips in and scrunched her brows, the guilt taking over. She went to reach towards his face where he was holding his hand, but Bloom beat her to it. "Well, I'm glad you can at least defend yourself.", he said mockingly as Bloom examined his jaw. "And you should be happy it was my left hand, could've lost a tooth.", Sae joked, as Sky laughed, Bloom looked between the two confused but she didn't ask, not yet. 

Sae doesn't know for how long they've been there, searching for woman that may or may not be pregnant with Bloom. She actually lost focus in the first three and a half minutes and started just looking through everything, looking for something more interesting. She was currently sporting a christmas hat she found in a box, blowing bubbles she found in another box. 

She walked around the shelves and looked for anything that might look interesting, well she actually just wanted to get away from Blom and Sky, beacuse she started to feel too much like a third wheel. She stopped by one of the shelves, a box stood on the top shelve with a red sign saying 'fragile'. Well, that could be interesting. 

She looked around to find something to climb on to so she could reach, but found nothing. So, she went and reached for the highest shelve she could reach and hoisted herself up. She was trying to reach it, but she was still not high enough. Her hand was barely scraping the box. 

"What, in the hell, are you trying to do?", a raspy, deep voice stratled her, making her loose her balance and falling on her back. But Riven reacted fast and caught her before she fell, almost in  bridal style. Her feet were on the ground, and his hands around her waist as he hovered over her. 

Her chest was rising as she breathed in and out, the shock slowly fading as she looked in Riven's familiar eyes. "You idiot.", she wanted it to sound more tough and fierce, but it came out as a whisper. She hated how she aced around him sometimes, while on the other hand Rive loved it. He smiled at her, helping her stand straight. 

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