he's back

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Here tae is study room jk is going to punish him from skipping meals and also he lied that he ate. Jk get very angry that he slap tae hard and tell him to wait in study.

After sometime a furious jungkook entered.

Tae instantly got up as he saw jk.

Jk step closer

Jk: tell me one reason why you skipped meals.

Tae: I had w-work s-so. -

Jk: so you thought about skipping it also you lied that you eat I always told you to eat on time but you never I wouldn't know if  Yeonjun didn't tell me. Why are you so careless about your health how so many times warn you never ever skip meals but you still DARE HUH!!!

Tae: I-i am sorry H-hyungie.

Jk:if you get sick I will not leave KIM TAEHYUNG!!!!!!! ALS-(cut of by hug )

Tae: hyung I am sorry pls understand I have to skip it because that was the biggest deal for our company. It's very important hyung.

Jk: but you should take care of yourself (soft)

Tae: hyung I promise today is the last day. And from tomorrow i am taking a 1 week leave. So I can take care of you.

Jk:you don't have to take care I am fine.(jk instantly shut his mouth when he see Tae's eyes getting darkened) Sorry Don't look like that.

Tae: (chuckled) now I am going.

Jk nodded but his smiled nervously

Jk:I think you should put some makeup on your cheek.

Tae:huh!!(that's when he realized he look at mirror only to see his red cheek with five finger print.) hyung you should have hit me on somewhere else now what will I do.

Jk:what anyway you deserve it.

Tae:(pout) yeah yeah

Jk: before going come let's eat something.

Tae:but I will get late.

Jk:who is there to scold for getting late.(he said dragged tae to dinning room and both started eating their break fast.)

Tae: hyung tommorow is your check up day.(he said munching his food)

Jk:oh I forgot.

Tae:so get ready at 11.30 we will leave.



It's afternoon jk is waiting for Tae as tae said he will come eat lunch with him then go back. After some time a exhausted tae entered. Jk immediately went towards him taking his bag and coat. Tae sit on couch very tiredly. Jk bring glass of water and tae drank it in one go.


Tae:soooo much.

Jk:I told you to take care

Tae: hyung I am okey just tired also I didn't skip meals I ate.

Jk:how much was your screen time(stern)

Tae:(Gulped) 8 hours


Tae: Hyung listen to me I got the deal

Jk: Really

Tae:yes now the best Kim Taehyung company will be the international company in the. World.

Jk: congratulations I will gift you something.
Tae:okey  I am so hungryyyyy let me freshen up  and come. did you eat

Jk:no I was waiting for you

Tae:okey then I will take a quick shower then come fast...

Jk:hmm I will heat up the food

Tae: what's today's menu


Tae:YAaah really (eyes widened)

Jk:(chuckled knowing his brother's favorite food) yes I make it because
your deal.

Tae:yeahhh let me freshen up fast and eat the delicious Japche by my sweet hyung (tae said and run upstairs while jk smiled)

After sometime Tae come down stairs and both had their lunch then Tae left to office while jk sat on his room reading a book in his hand.He was reading his book that's  after sometime  he hear a phone ring.He looked beside and saw its Tae's phone

Jk:Aahhh this perfect ceo forgot his phone here.(he looked at the caller ID and saw take it)



Tae: Hyungie it's me tae

Jk:I know you forget your phone Right.

Tae:Aaah yes hyung. And don't take  call if someone call me.


Tae:it's nothing. I have a meeting in 30. Min I will send a employe to take the phone. Also there is brown file in the cupboard so can you also give the file to him

Jk:hmm okey then


Someone: sir the files you asked

Tae:oh yeah place it on the table.Okey hyung bye

Jk:okey tae take care.

Cut the call

Jk:why he said don't take any call is he hiding something from me.Anyways let read the book

Suddenly Tae's phone again ring
Jk was about to take the call but didn't as tae.he looked at the I'd and


Jk:Who is Alan ??Aaah nevermind

Again his phone ring and he saw its Alan.

Jk;why he is calling him him nonstop

After 3 more times of the ring jk took the phone


Alan:Hello hello sir there is a mess.Rex runaway from the jail sir.Pls  be careful I don't know how he get that much energy that he runway after your so much torcher.


Alan:hello isn't it Kim Taehyung sir.

Jk:I am his brother Kim Jungkook

Alan:oh sir can you tell me where is taehyung sir it's very important.

Jk:he w-went to office for important work. So can you pls tell me who is Rex. And that torcher thing.

Alan:it's sir. Taehyung sir tell me to not tell you.

Jk:pls tell I'm his brother pls

Alan:okey it's. When you were in hospital taehyung sir thought to took revenge. at middle of the night he  went to Mr Choi mansion and he kill Al the guards there maybe somewhat 40 guards and he took Mr Choi and Rex is Mr Choi stepson and he took revenge for shooting (he tell the whole story to jk)

Jk can't take it anymore is he don't like revenge or torcher something like that. So he hung up the call.He was having insecurities of losing tae he was angry for putting his life danger. Also scared because how can tae torcher someone like his cute fluffy ball turn to merciless man.But he also had a positive vibes that tae did it for his protection. But his insecurities did low.He was in his thought that's when he hear a door bell.

(Jk house also have guards and maids)

Jk thought that was the employe that tae send. So he took tae's phone and the brown file he went outside and open the door but confused when he saw the man with full of black dress his one hand had bandaged

Jk:are you the employe that tae send.

???:yes s-sir .  I am your death jungkook(mumble)


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