Chapter 115

Depuis le début

Zuo Luohuan walked out of the elevator and saw that the door to the upper floor was open, as if inviting her in.


She still remembered walking down from the upper floor before, giving cigarettes to her man.

At that time, Zuo Luohuan did not consider the other person to be an ordinary person. Anyone who could live in Central City, no matter what they did, would always be among the best in their field, but she had never connected him to Ren Pingbo.

After all, Ren Pingbo was too far away from her, not even of the same generation.

Zuo Luohuan pushed the door open completely and walked in. The structure was no different from her own floor, and even had more signs of life than hers. She walked straight to the study, and as soon as she pushed the door open, her suspicions were confirmed.

Ren Pingbo had indeed recorded the video here.The decorations in the room are exactly the same as in the video, and the curtains are pulled open, but there is no one inside.

Luohuan Zuo's gaze swept over the desk, but she didn't find her things. She stood at the door of the study for a moment, then suddenly turned and left, quickly walking down the corridor to her own floor.

The door to the room was open.

In the past, it wouldn't have mattered, but now that Ji Yue lived in this apartment, it felt like someone had violated Alpha's private domain. Luohuan Zuo's face immediately darkened.

She walked quickly into her own room, walked to the entrance, and turned to see a man sitting on the living room sofa.

"How did you know I was here?" The man on the living room sofa turned his head, revealing a mature and handsome face, and said somewhat casually, "Your sofa is softer than the one I bought."

Luohuan Zuo stared at the man on the sofa, who was both unfamiliar and familiar. She walked over and said, "You have some psychological problems. I suggest you see a doctor."

Ren Pingbo turned his head back, crossing his hands under his chin. "Your ring is still with me," he said.

He spoke in a familiar tone, as if he were Luohuan Zuo's friend.

Luohuan Zuo had been controlling her emotions the whole time, looking at Ren Pingbo and not responding to his words. Instead, she asked, "How much time is left before the bomb explodes?""Kid, you won't answer my question, but you want me to answer yours?" Ren Pingbo's face showed no signs of manipulation, and he was dressed in a high-end tailored suit today. He leaned slightly against the sofa, with one leg crossed over the other, and curiously asked, "If you died, would your little boyfriend be sad? Does he know you had a ring made?"

Zuo Luohuan looked at Ren Pingbo taking out the ring box and about to open it, his face turning cold: "Senior, it's too pitiful that you don't even have someone to give you a ring."

Ren Pingbo closed the ring box that he had already opened a little, making a faint dull sound. He looked satisfied at the change in Zuo Luohuan's expression and poured himself a glass of water: "Alright, explain how you found me, and I'll return the ring to you."

"It seems that Senior doesn't go out much, and the curtains are always closed." Zuo Luohuan also sat down, but was thinking about replacing the sofa that Ren Pingbo was sitting on in the future. However, she didn't know what he had touched, so she simply replaced everything in the house. "The rotating advertising light of a large shopping mall in the distance shines on the study window when the weather is good."

Ren Pingbo squinted his eyes. He did indeed keep the study curtains closed all year round. Today was the first time he had opened them, because everything was about to end.

The Soft and Cute Omega Male (ChatGPT translation)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant