Prolouge: The Origins of SMG4 & 3.

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(Our story starts in the Mushroom Kingdom castle after to whole 10-year anniversary where Mario, SMG4, Axol, Melony, and Luigi are watching a poorly made gmod version of muppet babies)

Luigi: Aw childhood, when we didn't care about-a-life, and just had fu-


Luigi: I was just trying to be wholesome.

SMG4: Yeah, and you complete ruined a quite tone.

Axol: Luigi's right, childhood years were some of our best years and where we found our inspiration. I remember when I drew my first manga.

(Axol has a flashback to a younger version of himself in Inkling school where he finds a pencil, and paper and begins to draw a manga out of it with the other inklings laughing at him for liking anime and starting to beat him up)

Axol: Yep, good times.

Mario: Mario remembers when he-a-first tried spaghetti.

(Mario has a flashback of him as a baby trying spaghetti to which he spazzes out from trying it out)

Mario: Good times.

Luigi: I remember my best memory.

(Luigi has a flashback of him as a baby accidentally entering a gay strip club)

Luigi: That became my greatest achievement.

Axol: SMG4, what was your childhood?

SMG4: I remember when...when...huh, I don't remember my childhood, the only thing I remember from the past is when I first entered the castle.

(SMG4 has a flashback the sm64 blooper: Account loss)

Axol: It's alright SMG4, a lot of people forget their old memories in exchange for new memories.

SMG4: You don't understand, I can't remember anything, my birth, my childhood, anything! And I must get into the bottom of this!

(SMG4 gets his phone and calls SMG3 who is watching a Ugandan Knuckles soap opera)

SMG3: Yes?

SMG4: SMG3, do you remember your childhood?!

SMG3: Of course I do! I remember when...when...I don't remember anything from the past other than Meme school! We need to know!

(SMG3 breaks the physics and grabs SMG4 and takes him to the ancient memes Pingas, Shoops Da woop, PB&J Banana, Yellow Face, and Troll face, who all are in tub)

SMG3: Ancient Memes, we need your help!

SMG4: We need to know our origins!

(The Ancient Memes look at each other and they start spinning around 4, and 3)

Ancient Memes:

Years before you guys were here.
Bowser gone, everyone cheered.
Mario found computer with memes.
Zapped him, and destroyed his dreams.
Two heroes came in right.
One is black, one is white.
One successful, one in envy.
More friends came in more than three.

SMG4: What does any of that mean?

(The Ancient Memes zap SMG3 and 4 as they see a flashback of the Mushroom Kingdom 12 years ago)

(The Ancient Memes zap SMG3 and 4 as they see a flashback of the Mushroom Kingdom 12 years ago)

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