chapter five of six

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chapter 5 of 6...

i just got home from school and it was a fucking tiresome day, it's the hearts day and so many people gave me presents like flowers, balloons, chocolates and stuff. so when i was picked up it looked like i was a walking collage of packages.

"sorry," prapai bowed his small head after he bumped to me. i didn't see him because i was staring at my phone.

i smiled at my nephew and picked him up, "where's papa?" i kissed-sniffed his cheeks before putting him down the playpen where payu is playing with macau.

"room, dad, daddy said, uhh, they'll talk." he struggled to form a coherent sentence making macau squeal and take the baby to his arms pampering him with kisses.

"no~ stop~" he giggled, payu also giggled and launched himself to the two, my heart jumped a bit because he seemed to fall off from macau and prapai but macau swiftly catched him.

"caucau, ill be at my room." macau nodded with a guilty expression but also an excited one. he seemed like he wants to tell me about something but couldn't, at first i bugged him about it but just shrugged it off after not getting anything from him.

i was feeling uneasy for about a week, kim hasn't been returning my calls or answering my messages.

i was getting frustrated and upset that i couldn't even look after the kids that much.

p'pete and vegas has been trying for their third child now, the pair wanted three kids and they probably won't be having another after the third.

venice is in pre-school, vegas and pete wanted him to be homeschooled but khun korn was against it, something along the lines of depriving venice of his childhood and such which i think is true, venice only knows us and the people on this house and as much as he loves the younger kids he never has friends that are his peers.

of course there were constant worries about the danger especially with the type of our family but that's easily resolved, we have the resources and strengths to protect every one of us so as much as we worry, it's not right to trap venice inside the house.

my brother and p'kinn on the other hand, a year after prapai was born he got pregnant again and gave birth to another son, mos, the baby is trying to walk, he took after p'kinn a lot and is very close to p'kinn than hia.

i sent another text to kim and sighed after it was delivered but probably will never be seen.

i was starting to think that he found another guy/girl and probably hit it off with them and left me. i touched the necklace on my neck and breathed out shakily.

i opened the door to kim's room that became my room and noticed a luggage there, my heart beat raised.

i silently walked towards the bed, there was a mold of a body under the sheets so upon careful examination i gently tugged it off and there i saw the guy i was busy contacting the past week.

i sighed in relief but frowned because of the fatigue written all over his face, he has been touring and taking care of their business abroad so i let him be.

i slowly retracted wanting to let him sleep at peace but he immediately caught my hand,

"where are you going?" his voice is tired and sleepy. my heart ached at how tired he looked.

"im just gonna take a shower kimhan," i gently tugged my hand off his hands but he pulled me raher harshly making me fall on top of him, he laid sideways and laid me down the bed before enveloping me in his arms.

"it can wait flower, let's sleep, we're going somewhere later." he said kissing the top of my head, i leaned in to his body inhaling the familiar comforting scent of kimhan, i was finally back in his arms.


kim stared at the boy smiling happily beside him, kim has been feeling empty the past two years and was in constant fight with himself in whether he should come back to his home or continue what he started.

he wanted to be a known singer, that's a fact. but ever since chay he has only been sure of one thing, it was to marry chay and give him the life he deserved.

kim worked hard to earn money, he doesn't wanna rely to his father upon building his life with chay.

he might have overworked himself, he inherited a business from his father and he worked hard to make it flourish and big and indeed it did. with that he also worked hard for his career and earned money alongside it.

he was was planning to retire from the spotlight after he gets married with chay. he doesn't want the tours now, he doesn't wanna sing for anyone other than the boy beside him.

"kimhan, are you even listening?" chay pouted, kim smiled apologetically. he lost his phone a week ago and was too busy finalising everything, he was so goddamn tired the whole week he barely slept just so he could come home. he felt like if he spends more than a week away from porchay he might just drop dead one of these days.

"im sorry flower, i was too caught up thinking on ways how to ask you to marry me." kimhan said and pulled out the velvet box from his pants, he bought it for chay, it was a tear drop gem adorned by smaller crystals, it sits on top of five smaller tear drop jems each of them adorned by small crystals around it.

"you know id say yes even without a ring or anything fancy kim." his fiancé said and raised his hand for him to slip on the ring on his finger.

kimhan chuckled and pulled chay to his lap. he closed the gap between their lips. the pair shared a loving kiss with each other filled with love and yearning for one another.

they started off as fiance's immediately and their dating stage was a long distance one but it was never a hindrance for the two of them, there were arguments of course and the sleepless nights and the tears of sadness because they couldn't hold each other like other couples but what they have transcends distance and time that even if they were apart they could still feel each others love.

the two were as happy as they can be, they were euphoric inside each others arms exchanging gazes of unconditional love and support, their promises are all but empty and their years ahead were full of joy and love.

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