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"We're here." I shook Geonu awake who slept the whole plane ride.

"Already??" He sat up stretching and rubbing his eyes.

"Japan isn't that far."

"It is."

We both got up from our seats grabbing our luggage, we waited until it was time to walk out. We followed Yeonjun who was leading us where to go so we could get out of this airport.

"We're finally here!!" Beomgyu exclaimed and ran to jump on the bed with Kai.

"Calm down." Soobin yawned dragging his luggage.

"You seem tired." Kai said to him.

"I'm gonna knock out after you two get off."

"Oh now I'm never gonna get off." Beomgyu got up jumping on the bed.

"You guys are gonna break the bed geez."

"You're no fun Taehyun!"

"I didn't do anything, I just said you guys are going to break the bed and who has the money to replace that?" The younger plugged his phone charger in sitting on the floor.

Beomgyu stared at Taehyun before jumping off the bed to sit next to him.

"Finally." Soobin sighed laying on the bed.

Kai jumped on the bed next to him scooting closer.

"MOVE KAI." Yeonjun yelled pulling him out of his spot causing Kai to fall on the ground.


"Are you okay??" Geonu ran towards Kai helping him up.

"Yeah." Kai smacked Yeonjuns head.

"Damn why'd you pull him off so hard??" I laughed.

"Kai was stealing my spot, I'm supposed to cuddle with Soobin."

"We aren't dating bro."

"Not yet."

"Yeah yeah, go to sleep or you'll be late for the party tomorrow." Taehyun rested his head on Gyu's shoulder.

"And you're gonna sleep on his shoulder??" Kai pointed out.

"No!" Taehyun shouted quickly sitting back up.

The 3 all started arguing while Geonu and I just watched.

"Well get settled in guys." I said entering the bathroom to take my shower.

"Will do!!" Geonu shouted.

My Diary (Heenu FF) -FINISHED-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum