Chapter 13 - Lyron

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"So where is it you want to show me?" Gwen asked as I led her up another flight of stairs.

Her cheeks were rosy from laughing, and I hoped that smile never left her face.

"Patience." I teased, towing her down the corridor towards the circular tower room I knew she would love.

We came to a stop outside the door and she looked at me expectantly. "Is it in there?"

I nodded, and she reached for the door handle. "Close your eyes." I urged.

She frowned, "Why?"

"I want you to get the full experience of seeing it for the first time, and I think this is the best way. Don't you trust me?"

The slight doubt in her eyes told me she didn't completely, and that stung a little. I shrugged, as though it didn't bother me. "We can just go in. It's fine."

I reached for the handle. "No!" her hand on mine stopped me. "I'd like the full experience. Please?"

A grin split my face and she closed her eyes, offering me a hand to lead her in when I was ready.

Pushing open both doors, I led her into the centre of the room. "No peeking yet." I insisted as I let go of her hand for a moment.

"Ok, but hurry up because I'm not sure I can stand the excitement much longer!" She laughed.

Pulling the heavy window drapes back from two huge arched windows, I flooded the library with light and made my way back to her.

"Ok, open your eyes." I whispered over her shoulder.

The gasp she let out told me she had, as she span slowly on the spot, taking in the floor to ceiling bookcases and rows of shelves containing hundreds upon hundreds of books.

"What do you think?" I asked when she didn't immediately speak.

"I think I must be dreaming, because this cannot possibly be real." She breathed.

"Does that mean you like it?" I teased.

"Like is not a good enough word for how I feel about this place. Neither is love." She sighed dreamily, drifting towards the nearest bookcase and trailing her fingers across the spines.

"I'm glad it makes you happy. I hoped you'd enjoy it."

"If literature is how you plan to persuade me to stay here, then you're on the right tracks." She laughed, her voice muffled as she disappeared between the two nearest shelves.

"Your majesty." A low voice from the doorway caught my attention before I could respond to her, and I looked up to see Atticus there with a serious expression.

"Yes?" I asked in a low voice, hurrying over to him and hoping Gwen didn't hear.

"We've had word from the sorceress. She has summoned you to meet with her at her cottage and update her on your progress with Miss Weatherby." He explained quickly.

I felt a sharp tug in my chest that told me he spoke the truth and cursed under my breath. Ever since she had laid the curse, Arianna, as I now knew she was called, had summoned me whenever things seemed to be going well.

I had tried once to deny her, but she had turned up at my doors and transformed the girl I had been courting into a rat before I could even open my mouth to explain.

Unwilling to risk Gwen, I sighed. "Ready the horses. I'll leave as soon as I've told her."

Atticus nodded, looking as sad as I felt. Every minute I was away from Gwen was a minute wasted to win her over and win her love for me. Another minute lost to potentially break this curse and free everyone.

Arianna's home was at least three days' ride from here, as she well knew. I sucked in a deep breath to calm the fury in me as I made my way through the books to Gwen.

She already had her nose stuck in a book, her expression telling me it wouldn't be long before she lost herself in its pages.

"Miss Weatherby?"

She glanced up with a dazzling smile that faltered at my expression. "Is everything ok?"

"Yes. But I'm afraid I've been called away on urgent business."

She frowned at my tone, clearly noticing I was not particularly happy about it. "When do you need to leave? Are you sure you're ok?"

I smiled a little at her concern. At least she cared for me a little. "I promise you I will be fine, but I do have to leave immediately. I'm just sorry I have to leave you alone for so long."

"How long do you think you'll be?" She asked, closing the book and pressing it to her chest as she waited for my answer.

"At least a week, I believe. Although I will return as soon as I am able." I reassured. "I wouldn't go if I didn't absolutely have to."

She nodded with understanding. "I'm sorry you have to go, but thank you for showing me your library. I'm sure I can entertain myself until you get back."

The little smile she gave had my heart breaking anew, and I stepped forward, pressing a kiss to her forehead before I could stop myself.

As I stepped back, I noticed how big her eyes had become and had to bite back a laugh. "I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise."

The binding sting of my words didn't matter because I meant them all the same. I would be back here, with her, just as soon as I was able.

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