Chapter 33

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Author's note: picture of Jace and Jacy.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Why couldn't you be satisfied with me? Our children? Our life? You had to conquer the world?"

"I told you, sugar. This was already in the making since before you were born. I made it better," he said. "I'm doing this for you and our children for the sake of our life together."

"You call this better? How is this better?" I asked.

"The other way was much bloodier," he said. "Would you have rather seen that? Wolves attacking people on live television? No. This way is much more civilized."

"Then what are you planning with my mother? You and your mother lied about being adversaries. You made me miss that time with my son for this?" I asked.

"My mother has always been my most ardent supporter. I apologize for the dishonesty. It was necessary to keep you busy since you were asking so many questions," he said.

"And that's all you could think to do?!" I yelled standing. "Take away my son while you play a fucking game of hide and go seek with your mother?!"

Just then, my mother stood up to the podium. She looked every bit the queen she was. She took a deep breath and said, "I will not abdicate my throne to the Moon God, but I will to my daughter. She is a highly capable woman and I know she will make the right decision." 

"Oh no. They'll be coming here. Did your mother do that?" I asked.

"In agreement with your mother," he said.

"Did you threaten her?" I asked.

"You know I didn't talk to her. I don't think my mother threatened her, but you never know. You can ask her tomorrow," he said.

"Ezra, what do you think about all of this?" I asked, feeling overwhelmed myself.

"I can't see, Addison," he said.

"But what do you think?" I asked.

"I think you will make the right decision," he said.

 The television switched to Africa where the royals continued to abdicate. I started freaking out. I couldn't for the life of me decide how I felt. 

"I can take away your blindness, Ezra, if you do not try to sway Addison either way. This is up to her," he said.

"You know I can keep it to myself," Ezra says.

Jace puts his hands over his eyes and Ezra says, "oh."

I looked at Ezra trying to get a read on him, but he was completely closed, digging through the future. He slowly sat down, eyes glazed over.

"Ezra," I inquired.

"There's so many possibilities. Is this how you always see things?" Ezra asked.

"Yes," Jace said. "It's a wonder I do anything except watch."

I switched back to human news but there only seemed to be one feed now. It was just showing the abdicating from around the world.

"I think I need to lay down," I said.

I went back to the couch and laid down, closing my eyes and falling asleep. I woke up the next morning in bed with Jace. He got up so I could feed Alaric.

"I think we should talk before the reporters get here," he said.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked.

"Because I need to know," he said. "I know that was a lot yesterday and I hope you understand why I couldn't tell you about it beforehand."

"Of course I understand. I understand that you're a selfish, egotistical, narcissistic asshole who-," I started.

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