Chapter 19

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Author's note: picture of Jace in a suit.

The night of the charity dinner had arrived. I was feeling self-conscious because my dress was too tight in my chest. There was no time to have it let out so I would just have to deal.

I wore my hair down, bone straight. Raquel helped me do my makeup. This time I wore rose colored lipstick with almond eye makeup in pink hues making my green eyes pop. I looked beautiful.

I drove to the banquet hall with Oscar and his mates. Sara kept stepping on my dress. No matter where I put it, she seemed to find a way to step on it. The last time she did that, I found her foot and dug in my heel. She stopped bothering me after that.

When we got out of the car, I smoothed out my dress as much as possible. In the dim lighting you could barely see where she had stepped on it.

"You look amazing," Aiden said in my ear.

"What? Did you wait by the door for me?" I asked.

"Guilty," he said.

He grabbed my hand then tugged me on the near empty dance floor. He expertly twirled us around the dance floor. I laughed then threw my head back. When the song ended, he held me in place.

We danced to two more songs before I saw my mom waving me over. I excused myself then made my way over to her. She looked apprehensive.

"What are you doing?" She asked. "You shouldn't be making such a public display with someone who isn't your mate."

"Seriously, Mom? You worry over nothing. I'm just dancing," I said.

"And laughing. Plus the way that you look at each other is inappropriate," she said. "If Jace were to see you carrying on like that, I don't even want to think about what he'd do."

"I really think you're overreacting. You have to give me a little credit," I said.

I went back to Aiden and we danced to another song. He was a terrific dancer. He was so graceful on his feet. He pulled me close to him then whispered in my ear, "Jace is here. I can feel him.

I tried to pull away but he held me tightly in place. He started leaning in again and I panicked. I teleported myself two feet away so I was just out of his reach. I turned to go find Jace but Aiden grabbed my arm.

"You're making a scene," I said. "I'm going to find him."

"Wait a minute," he said and I stopped struggling.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I want you to come and see me sometime this week," he said. "Just to talk. Can you do that?"

I took a long look at him and felt the tingles where he was on my arm. Maybe he's realized what I did. I nodded my head then turned to leave. Jace was standing right there looking thunderous.

I rushed over to him and he grabbed me and kissed me, hard. It felt full of possessiveness and anger, but I also felt sorrow and betrayal.
He broke away from the kiss but the feelings were still there.

Then I realized I was getting these emotions from him. He was feeling all of these things and I could sense it. Before I could tell him though, a scream was heard.

It was coming from the side of the dance floor. I ran since my mother was just there. As I arrived I was greeted by a horrible sight. My mother was laying on the floor bleeding. A knife wasn't far away.

I yelled for my dad who came running. He lifted her up and rushed out of the hall. I tried to follow but Ezra grabbed my arm.

"You can't help her right now, but you can help here," he said. "Let's talk to the witnesses."

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