Chapter 13

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Author's note: picture of the apartment.

Once we got to the apartment, Oscar parked and we made our way upstairs.

"Nice place you guys have here," he said.

"It's nice and cozy for the two of us. We don't need much else," I said.

"What happens when the babies come?" He asked.

"Well we're only staying here until I finish school so no babies to worry about, even if I am pregnant right now," I said.

"Good to know. Sara wants me to give her a baby and I can't bring myself to do it," he said.

"I see. So you really are having sex with all of them?" I asked.

"I told you I do my duties. I have to sneak condoms or just not ejaculate in her. I want to have a baby with Kara if anything. I really didn't think it would come to this," he said.

"You're going to have babies all over the place. You don't even want kids," I said.

"Kara knows that it's the other two that just don't care. They want babies and I did say babies," he said.

"Why don't you guys move down to New York like we are?" I asked.

"Kara wants to. I think it's to be with you," he said.

"I love her so much," I said.

"Me too and I want to make her happy," he said.

"So join Shadow Moon or Blue Moon. Either one, I'll be right there," I said.

Nick came home and Oscar helped him carry in the groceries. He got a lot of food for just two people. Even if we are werewolves.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" Nick asked Oscar.

"Depends. What are you having?" Oscar asked.

"Roast beef, garlic mash and roasted vegetables," Nick said.

"Okay. I'll stay," Oscar said. "I'm not seeing any of my mates tonight and not in the mood for my parents."

Oscar helped Nick in the kitchen while I did my school work. I was so done with school it wasn't even funny. Always near the end of the year my brain just turns to mush. I rally for exams, but that's after a lot of studying.

Done with my school work, I went to wash up before sitting down for dinner and I heard Nick ask Oscar about having kids. How did he know that's what we were talking about? He says he's always with me but that's just creepy if he's listening in on my conversations. I would have to remember to ask him about that.

We sat down to eat while Oscar told Nick all about his mate drama. Nick gave him advice on what to do.

"Addy, take more roast beef and potatoes. You need to eat more," Nick said.

"Why do I need to eat more?" I asked.

"To keep up your strength," Nick said.

"I think I know what that means," Oscar said.

"I think you should keep it to yourself," I said.

"It's natural. Everybody in this room has done it. What's the big deal?" Nick asked.

"Because I don't want to talk about having sex with my cousin," I said.

"He talks to you about his sex life," Nick said.

"And how would you know that?" I asked.

"Because I can hear you," he said slowly.

"How can you hear me if you're not here?" I asked slowly.

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