(Chapter 17: He loves me... He loves me not...?)

Start from the beginning

🔇🇳🐝🤠: Well...

🔇🇳🐝🤠: If ya happen to be anywhere other than your room at some point (Like that'll ever happen) tell me. I'll try using the scepter again, and if it just sends me to your room, then we'll know it's just broken.

🔇🇳🐝🤠: But if it actively seeks you out, then we'll know something's up.

🦇The_Local_vampire🩸: first of all, shut up. i do leave my room sometimes.

🦇The_Local_vampire🩸: second. if this is true... y'know, the whole "Your return scepter is sending you to me because you feel at home with me" thing, then wouldn't it just work like that normally? Sending you to my door, instead of right next to me? since, in normal situations, it would have sent you to the door of your house, and not to some random room, just because you feel most comfortable there?

🔇🇳🐝🤠: Hmm... I guess that makes sense... But that means that it could also make sense for it to just drop me in front of Robin's front door, instead of your bedroom door, right?

🔇🇳🐝🤠: Why doesn't it just do that?

🦇The_Local_vampire🩸: the logic of this return scepter is very flawed. Idk how it works, and the more either of us try to explain it, the weirder it gets.

🔇🇳🐝🤠: Yeah, trying to figure this out is giving me a headache. If you happen to leave your room for once, just text me, and we'll see how things go from there.

🦇The_Local_vampire🩸: i usually go outside to smoke by the lake, or just think about life at the beach when it rains, so if you end up in the water, don't blame me. i gave you a warning ahead of time

🔇🇳🐝🤠: 👍

(End text chat with Seb)

"I know they say 'home is where the heart is', but... My home is here on the farm, not with... " I mumbled, stopping mid sentence since I could hardly think because of just how weird this situation was.

I just sat on my couch for a moment, trying to understand what this could all mean, when I suddenly looked over to where I had put my return scepter, sitting next to the TV.

"Why are ya doing this to me? What's so special about him?" I asked the scepter, as if it could hear me.

"I mean... Yeah, he is my best friend, and... I feel safer around him than I do with anyone else... And just seeing him smile brightens up my whole day. He's funny, cute, smart... Kind of a nerd, but not in a weird, stereotypical kinda way. Sometimes it's fun to just listen to him geeking out about a book he likes, or his work, or whatever. And the way he gets all excited whenever he finds a frog is just- OK! STOP!"

I stopped myself after rambling for a moment, not knowing what made me go down this particular road.

My face was suddenly feeling quite warm...

"Man, it is... Hot in here all of a sudden. Why is it so hot in here?" I said, lightly pulling on the neck of my hoodie.

"Boy, if anyone heard me saying any of that stuff, they'd think I have a crush on Sebastian Haha..." I laughed awkwardly at the thought, before pausing for a moment.

"I don't have a crush on Sebastian, right...? Right?!" I asked myself in a panic.

"Haha. Yeah, that's funny. Like I'd have a crush on him. Hah... I mean, even if I did, It's not like the feelings are mutual, so why even bother?" I joked awkwardly.

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