Garin put the basket out for her and she threw the fish in and he closed the lid after so they would not get away.

"So, how many demons did you cut down with your mighty spear?" Garin asked with sexual innuendo detectable in his remark.

Hannah could see where he was going with this and decided to play along.

"About four hundred and ninety-nine demons," she said and moved closer to him.

"That's a lot of demons, isn't it?" He asked and moved closer to her as well.

"It is a lot and but unfortunately, I fell madly in love with the demon that was supposed to round off my tally to an exact five hundred," she said and encircled her arms around his neck.

"You did kill me, just in a different way. A better way," Garin said and lifted her against his body.

Although they were in the cold river, the heat between them kept their temperatures high and it intensified as their hands navigated each other's bodies. He used his fingers to brush her wet hair backwards so he could get a clear view of her perfect face.

Unable to hold back any longer, Garin buried his lips into hers and kissed her with so much passion the water around them felt hot. He caressed her waist and his hands slipped down to grab her firm bottom, pulling her closer to him almost to the point of merging their bodies into one.
Hannah wrapped her legs around him and let her hands trail to his chest and then, even lower.

They kissed as they'd never kissed before and it drove them to the edge of madness induced by the need for each other. Garin kissed her lips and then, his mouth moved across her neck and down to her ample bosoms. He kissed the top of her breasts and it sent chills down her spine and she moaned softly, the pleasure was so good, it almost made her cry.

Garin let his hands do just as much pleasure as his mouth was doing. He moved his fingers down into the water and felt the heat between her legs. He let his fingers tease her entrance before letting them grab her with more intent. She felt his warm fingers on her parts and it felt like a brandishing iron but a lot more enjoyable.

She let her fingers dig into his hair and pulled him closer. She was on the brink of losing control and she needed Garin to take her now. Just like he was reading her mind, he readied himself to claim her in the water.

He brought her down from his grip and was ready to begin but before he could, a sound caught the attention of his ears and it couldn't be ignored.

"What is it, my love? Why did you stop?" Hannah asked.

"Do you hear that?" He asked and Hannah listened for the sound until she heard it as well.

"I hear it. It sounds like..."

"...A baby..." They said in unison.

The sound of the baby's cries was coming from behind them. They disentangled themselves from their hold and moved through the river in search of the baby they heard.

They moved a few paces back and saw a basket floating on the river and it was held up by a twig that extended from the grass into the water. The sound was coming from inside the basket and they went closer to it.
They got to the basket and Garin opened it and there was a baby wrapped up inside.

"Oh, my God!" Hannah said in shock.

She picked the baby out of the basket and a note fell out of its blanket. Garin took the note and read it out loud for his wife to hear.

"Whoever finds this child, please take care of him for I cannot and he's better off with anyone but me." The note said.

"His mother abandoned him? How could she? How could she let go of something so precious, so rare?" Hannah wondered.

"Of everyone that could have found the child, why us?" Garin asked his wife.

"It must be God's doing. This is him showing us mercy and giving us a child," Hannah said, convinced the baby was from God.

"I don't think so, Hannah. Our fathers took away our fertility because they wanted to punish us. Why would they give us a child now after so long?" Garin asked.

"I don't know but this can't be just a random coincidence, right?" Hannah asked and rocked the baby in her arms.

"It doesn't matter what this is. All that matters is that we can keep him. We can finally have what has been missing in our lives for so long; a child of our own," Garin said and stared at the baby with love in his eyes.

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