Master Minds

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A hooded figure.

A bright green light.

Those were the main events of the 31 October 1981. 

As the Dark Lord banged the Potter's front door, a wide grin on his pale, ghost-like face. Those red, gleaming eyes piercing the darkness. Tom Marvolo Riddle, or better known as Lord Voldemort. 

"Lily! It's him! Grab the twins and run!"

That was James Potter. He went to grab his wand, but instead was hit with the stunning spell. Voldemort hated wasting pureblood blood, it was too precious to do so. As James' body hit the ground, Voldemort made his way up the stairs were Lily Potter had gone to hide with her babies. Stupid mudblood, she couldn't hide from him now.

The Dark Lord opened the door of the nursery with a bang. The red-haired woman had placed the twins in a crib, she spread her body protectivly as if trying to cover it while whispering sweet nothings to them. 

"Stand aside silly girl!"

But she refused. She begged and pleaded that he took her life instead. But he had made a promise to someone to not kill her, so he stunned her too. He came closer to the crib and saw a girl and a boy. The girl had rivers of tears falling down her cheeks while the boy looked at him, with a glint of curiosity and hate for hurting his parents. 

"Ah, I see who the profecy meant and I truely am sorry, you would have such potential and powerful magic, you would've been an extraodinary wizard. But things in war never go as one has planned, in war nobody never cares who dies and why. And I can't let Dumbledore and his flaming chicken win,"


A jet of green light was shot from his wand, bounced off the boy and back at Voldemort, killing him (or that's what they thought). 

*Unknown location*

A man woke up, screaming in pain. He just felt like if they killed him, but the question is, how? That he knew of, nobody knew of his exsistence, he was supposed to be dead. He nearly had died. He checked himself over and over again, but saw no injuries or marks from a spell or potion. 


He then felt a pull from his magic core. Was his core connected to someone else's core? It was possible after all. But the only person that was connected to him in some way was Hadrian Potter, his godson. 

He let his core lead him to where his godson was, apparating to Godric's Hallow. The house was a mess, broken, destroyed. James, his ex-boyfriend, layed on the floor unconcious. He stepped over him and quickly made his way to the nursery. Lily was also unconcious but the two babies weren't. The little girl was crying and throwing a tantrum while the boy had fallen asleep. They boy had nearly used up all his magic to make the killing curse bounce off him. 

Very curious indeed. 

A boy that was born in a light family had one of the darkest cores he had ever seen. He preformed a dark spell from the Black library that would connect both of their minds, meaning that they could comunicate without others knowing. He then dissaparated, without leaving a trace that he had been there.

\|/ \|/ \|/  a very small time skip \|/ \|/ \|/

James woke up first, realising what had happened he ran upstairs, pleading to Merlin that his wife and children would be alive. Although he knew that there was a very low probability of both of those prayers to be accomplished. He shook the red-haired woman until she showed signs of life. When she woke up they both made their way to their children, afraid of what they would see. 

They saw something that was the complete opposite of what they had imagined. Both their kids were alive and looked healthy. Petal Potter (a red-haired baby girl with hazel eyes) was still throwing a tantrum, demanding attention. Hadrian Potter (a raven-black-haired baby boy with avada kedabra green eyes) was asleep, his hair covering the scar that the now fallen Dark Lord had given him. 

Dumbledore appeared next to them, "Petal is Voldemorts equal, she is the one who defeated him. Look at her scar on her cheek," that scar was shaped as an equal sign, but it was only there from the explosion that Hadrian created when making the killing spell bounce back, "But young Hadrian's magical core is lower than expected... He is nearly a squib!"

The Potter parents gasped. How could one of their children be a squib? Those were horrible news!

"You shall send young Hadrian to live with Petunia Evans and her family. Hadrian cannot learn about magic and our world until he recieves his Hogwarts letter, if he does get one. You will also send him away so that he doesn't distract his now famous sister from her special training that I will be giving her."

And with that he left as sudden as he arrived. James gave Hadrian to Lily and she nodded, a few tears escaping her eyes. She apparated to Privet Drive number 4 and wrote a quick letter explaining everything that Dumbledore had told them. She then wrapped her baby boy in a blanket and left him in their doorstep with the letter. She took one last glance and went back to her husband and daughter. 

\|/ \|/ \|/ ThE nExT mOrNiNg \|/ \|/ \|/

It was a great shock when Petunia Dursley opened the front door of her house to find a baby instead of the milk. The baby looked very familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on what. She then saw a letter pocking out of the baby burrito. 


Dear sister,

On the 31st of Jully, I gave birth to a set of twins.Nobody had ever seen the twins, not even their godfathers and godmothers, and we would like to keep it that way. Hadrian James Potter and Petal Lily Potter are their names. Due to some events from last night, we've had the obligation to give Hadrian away and you seemed like the best option. Please don't tell him about my world and if he shows signs of magic, don't tell him what it is and why. I'm begging you to keep him my husband and me come for him. Remember, raise him without the knowledge of magic.

I hope this doesn't trouble you much,

Lily Potter née Evans


How DARE her sister leave her son with her after all these years that they haven't been in contact?! She will gladly not tell him his true origin! 

She quickly brought the kid inside and imediatley left him in the cudboard from under the stairs. She quickly relaxed herself and went to talk with her husband about the new addition to their perfect family.

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