Chapter 48: "No buts"

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As soon as she stepped out of the red fountain ship, she felt a shiver wrack her whole body. She had never felt so cold in her life. She was not used to these kinds of temperatures. Her Home planet had tropical weather all year. And Magix switched between beautiful sunny days or gray rainy ones. The weather went below zero. This was only her second time seeing naturally snow and ice (first being their sky trip in second year). She had forgotten the sound of the snow made when they stepped on it. Snow was a side of nature that she was slowly learning to love. But the freezing cold was still something needed to get used to. She pulled her coat tighter around herself. The others were doing the same thing. Except Timmy he was too focused on the small table in his hands. His eyes kept focused on the small representing Tecna's position in the winter desert. She admired his determination and dedication towards her friend. Even after everyone had told him she was gone. He kept on searching for her. Kept on hoping and believing in her. And in the end he had been right. Without him, she honestly doubted they could have found their friend so quickly. Flora quietly wondered. If it had been her who had fallen in the omega portal.,would someone have done like Timmy, kept on looking for her even when everyone told them to stop? Would someone have done that for her?

She did not have time to ponder the question longer, because Timmy was already showing them the way.

"She's this way, everybody. Follow me." They slowly walked through different ice tunnels and caves, the more they walked the colder it got. her coat was not doing a good job in protecting her from the freezing temperatures.

"There!" He shouted. Instead of their friend, she was disappointed to only see a small little blue gadget on the snowy ground. Timmy picked it up, and confirmed that Tecna had made it and programmed it to send her message and location to him.

"But how are we going to find her now? This place is huge." Layla voiced out the question they were all asking themselves.

However, they did not have time to answer her question, because out of nowhere weird armor and mask wearing men came out from different hidden corners in the tunnels around them. An ambush. The girls hurriedly transformed into their Enchantix forms while the boys were trying to fight off the closest attackers. but even after transforming, the group was quickly outnumbered by the well organized gang. To the girl's dismay, the fairies' wings seem to be slower and weaker because of the overwhelming cold in the caves. As the masked soldiers slowly advanced towards them while successfully deflecting most of their attacks, the flightless fairies could only back up. However none of them saw the huge crater-like hole behind them. They all tripped and fell in it. A weird strong wind current seemed to pull them to the bottom.

Dimitri was playing with a small hoop earring while climbing the stairs towards the fairies' dorm. He had found behind one of the couch pillows;. He had seen Flora wear them often. So she assumed that she would want to lose one of them. He had decided to quickly place it on the flower fairie's desk , before going to join Faragonda in the library. However he was surprised to find someone in the supposedly empty flat. He quickly hid the earring in one of his jean pockets before the red haired could see it. He had no energy in making up lies right now.

"Sir! I've been looking for the other girls everywhere but I can't find them. Do you know where they are?" The red-haired girl did not look in the best of shapes. She was pale and her skin was covered in small scrapes and bruises. The mission must have been grueling.

"They left barely an hour ago for Omega, the nerdy specialists... you know the one with glasses always on his wrist computer thingy..." He just could not remember the boy's name.

"Timmy?" Bloom guessed correctly.

"Yeah, Timmy, he received a message from Tecna, so the girls and some of their specialist friends left to go and bring her back." He quickly explained to her.

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