{4} The Truth

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- Bowser's POV -

I sighed and looked out of the giant window that overlooks my kingdom.

Honestly,  I want to tell princess peach the truth about Mario, but every time I do it, every chance I get, I always chicken out.

I just don't want to break her heart. Like, I know she loves mario..I think.. but at the same time, I loathe that plumber with all my heart.  Mainly because if he wins the princess over, he's going to hurt her.

But at the same time, peach can get really annoying.  She's a nice person, like, she's really nice, but sometimes, when she just yells for Mario whenever I come, it gets on my nerves.

To be honest, I really don't want to hate anybody, really. But everyone views me as a big, bad, handsome, monster!

Sometimes I try to show them that I'm friendly, like that one time with those rabbid things, but even then, I had to keep up my tough guy act, because that's all what everyone viewed me as.

I sigh and slouch down even more, my ankles level to the ground.

That's it.

I'm going to tell the princess.

It's now or never..


- Nobody's POV-

Luigi looked out of the window that overlooked the giant moat of lava surrounding Bowser's castle.

He placed his head on his hand and sighed.

It was that day, that marked his second day of his stay in the darklands.

All he had dine that day, was take a shower, eat his breakfast, which was actually quite delicious,  watch a bit of TV, tidy up, and then look out of the large window.

Suddenly,  there was a light knock on the door. Luigi ventured over to the door and opened it, revealing Bosser, who was staring down at his feet, with a determined look on his face.

"Peach!" He says, noticing  Luigi who was looking up at him. "Bowser.." Luigi gulped. Luigi opened the door a little bit wider and stepped away from the doorframe, allowing the Koopa into his room.

Bowser accepted and stepped into the room. He stood there for s moment, and then went over to the bed and sat down on it.

Luigi just stares at him from across the room, trying to hide his shivers. Bowser notices his discomfort and says: "don't worry, I won't hurt you.." for some reason, this actually comforted the distressed Luigi. He shifts his weight from one leg to the other, and slowly steps closer to the king. Luigi looks up to him, his eyes saying: 'i'm listening'. Bowser notices this, and begins to speak.

"Okay, princess, I need to get this off of my chest." He starts. Luigi slightly inches closer. "Okay..Mario..isn't like what you think he is," he confesses. Luigi wasn't shocked. But, nevertheless, he kept his act up and grew a shocked face. "So basically, one night when I was on a mission to kidnap you, I heard him talking to somebody."  Bowser continues. Gossip. Luigi comes closer, intruiged to learn what happened. "And..how do I say this.." the koopa sighed. Luigi put a gloved hand on his thigh and looked up to him. He let out another sigh. "Basically, Mario is plotting to kill me, and Luigi, so he can annex my kingdom and gain power. Oh, he also wants to marry you."

Luigi's heart dropped and he froze in his place.

Fresh tears welled up in his eyes and he started to hyperventilate. Bowser put a claw on his shoulder, but Luigi pushed it away. Bowser looked at him in shock. Luigi silently cried, and took off his heels. He threw them to the side, and braced himself..

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