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I have memories of playing in a field of pink flowers when I was a girl. The smell of citrus and earth filling my nose; the breeze flowing through my hair. As the sun would set my mother would spin me around my toes touching the grass. Tears streamed down my face as memories played in my head. "How did I end up here?" I asked myself now in handcuffs.

"Order! Order in my court!" The judge yelled as slamming his gavel.

I looked over at my mother who had tears in her eyes as she screamed to give me mercy. Everything else seemed to fade in the background. I tuned it all out, remaining unphased.

"Your honor if I may. My client is only 20 years old, is such a harsh punishment necessary?" My lawyer pleaded.

"Your client thought she was untouchable, let's see how invincible she really is."

I bowed my head in defeat with nothing to say.

"I sentence you to 10years in a prison world; hopefully your time there will teach you to respect the laws of this world." The judge then banged the gavel and stood up to exit.

"Let me say goodbye! Let me hug her!" My mother yelled as the guards came to take me away.

"It's going to be okay. I love you." I said to my mother. She began to run towards me before guards pulled her back.

"Get off of her!" I begged as being dragged away. "Please! Mother I-"

I was then stabbed with a shot to my arm quickly putting me to sleep.

"Well hello Ms. flowers." A soft voice called to me waking me up.

I looked around not knowing where I was. I tried to move but I quickly realized I was strapped down by my hands and ankles.

"Where am I?" I replied.

"Your new home."

I brought my eyebrows together confused looking around the empty white space that I sat in. There was no furniture, no windows just a door and a machine with many buttons.

"How- How will I sleep? Or go to the bathroom? What the fuck is this?!"

"Oh honey, you won't have to worry about that. You're not there just yet but you will be soon." She responded as sticking cords along my forehead and behind my ears. "Now all you have to do is relax."

"Please I just want to talk to my mother one last time please!" I pleaded.

"Shhhhh" she said as shooting me in the arm with a serum. Everything grew black.

I woke up in bed in a place I didn't recognize. I looked around scared and wondering if everything that had just happened, was just a dream. I looked out the window and watched as people walked their dog and seemingly made their way to work. I hurried up out of the room in search of the front door. Once I made my way outside I grabbed a strangers arm asking them what day it was. They stared at me blankly seeming confused.

"Welcome to your prison world" I heard a voice say. I turned around seeing that it was the woman that had me tied up.

"What is this place? Where am I?!" I replied in a panic.

"Ms. Flowers, you have committed greats crimes against the United World and as punishment you must spend the next 10 years here."

"Where is here?"

"Here is where you will live until your sentence is up. It's not as bad as you may think, it's actually quite lovely once you get used to it." She chuckled.

"Am I- am I physically here?"

"Yes of course. Where else would you be?"

"But- how?"

"Oh darling, don't you worry about that. What I will tell you is everything you will need to survive is here. Food, water, clothing; you may have been sentenced to prison, but you are free to do anything accessible to you. If there is anything else you may need such medicine due to an illness just send an alert at the United World post office and we'll try to accommodate you as soon as possible; as long as you are in good standing. But I must make you aware that there is no escape nor a way out the only way to exit your prison world is to finish your sentence. You may meet your friendly mailman or grocery clerk, but please be aware that each and every person here is serving their own sentence and are unable to build a friendship with you."

"What? How is that possible?"

"They are in a mental state that you cannot comprehend. But know, they are happy and at peace."

"What? Is that going to happen to me?"

She laughed. "Oh heavens no. You do not have to worry about that since you are not serving a life sentence. Make your time here worth while, we are hoping that you can learn from this experience and truly grow to appreciate the United World as much as we appreciate you."

"That does not make any fucking sense! Let me go let me out of here!" I yelled grabbing onto her arms. "Please!"

"Do you want us to extend your sentence Ms. Flowers?"

"No! Please! I just want to go home!" I cried.

"But Ms. Flowers, you are home. So get settled in, and enjoy." She then walked away closing the door behind her. I quickly opened the door to find nothing but a dark street.

"Please!" I cried before falling to the ground and curling into a ball "I just want to go home."

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