Game character: Tonkaster

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With a jerk, Michael opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was glaring light, it was so intense that Michael immediately closed his eyes again. When he slowly took his hand away from his eyes and carefully looked around, the light was still so intense that it brought tears to his eyes. However, he was finally able to look around. He was in the middle of a well. Only now did he notice that his clothes were completely soaked. The well in which he sat was in the middle of a village square. All around him were busy people who didn't seem to notice the drenched man sitting in the well. Michael didn't understand the world anymore, what had happened? How did he get here? Shivering from the cold, Michael stood up and got out of the well. Curious, he looked around. Everything here was so intense, not only the light, but also the colors seemed to glow. It looked as if someone had simply put a filter over it. And the scents! Everything smelled so pervasive. He could smell every single flower that grew by the side of the road, just like the bun that was being eaten by a little girl down the street. Wow, how that bun smelled. Confused and overwhelmed due to the new impressions, Michael, in the midst of the action, just stood there. When suddenly someone tugged on his sleeve. "Excuse me, I really don't want to disturb you, but do you perhaps need help?". It was a small, roundish woman whose face was framed by white curls. A thousand questions flashed through Michael's mind. But not wanting to appear as if he were completely insane, Michael reduced himself to one question. "Where am I?" A broad smile appeared on the little lady's face "In Tonkaster, of course, my love." "I beg your pardon, what? Tonkaster?" Michael was completely perplexed. The Tonkaster he was writing his book about? " yes, this is Tonkaster. How did you end up in this well anyway? Did some naughty kids push you in? Yes, the youth of today, just no manners..." The little woman just kept talking to herself, but Michael's mind had long since wandered on. How could this be? Had he fallen through a portal? Michael quickly ruled out this option, since he didn't believe in such nonsense. The next theory that occurred to him seemed much more likely: he had fallen asleep while writing, and his subconscious was now processing his story in a dream. "Yes, that must be it," he thought. He eyed the woman with interest and noticed that she bore a strong resemblance to his main character, Ronja. Clearing his throat, he interrupted the old woman: "Excuse me for interrupting you. But is her name Ronja, perhaps?" An amused expression came over the woman's face and she put her hands on her hips. "Sorry to disappoint you, but unfortunately my name is Astrid. Perhaps you are confusing me with my sister, though. People always claim we look very much alike. I, however, don't believe that, because our aunt..." And again the game started from the beginning, Astrid talked to herself, while Michael was already completely elsewhere with his thoughts. "Of course," Michael thought, "why didn't I think of that? The most typical characteristic he gave the sisters was their resemblance to each other." Questioningly, Astrid looked at him. Apparently, she had asked him something. "Um sorry, could you maybe repeat her question?" stuttered Michael. "I asked you if maybe you'd like to come and have dinner with me and my sister? Then you can warm up a bit too. You shouldn't go swimming on such a cold autumn day as this." "Oh how kind of you," Michael commented. "I'd really like to have lunch with you both."With a happy smile on her face, Astrid took Michael's hand and led him through the tiny alleys of Tonkaster while she filled him in on the history of the village. Of course, Michael already knew the whole history of the village, after all, he had created this whole world here. "What a great dream, hopefully I won't have forgotten it all again tomorrow. What a great opportunity my subconscious has given me here. What author has the privilege of being able to converse with his characters?" thought Michael.

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