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"Murtasim! Murtasim! wake up", Meerab shook her husband awake. Murtasim groaned and buried his head in his pillow but didn't wake up. "Murtasim!", Meerab yelled frustrated and punched his shoulder. He turned around blurrily and saw his wife sitting up looking mad. Just another normal day he thought contently and pulled her down next to him.

Meerab protested immediately. She had to admit he really is consistent in keeping her close. He wound his arms around her, rested his head on her shoulders and asked sleepily, "What's wrong now Meerab?". Meerab looked down at her husband's head as he snuggled closer to her, he was too close and it was driving her heartbeat crazy. She was afraid he would hear it. "Meerab?", he asked questioningly looking up.

She shook herself out of her daze. "I don't think I can go to Karachi tomorrow", she said finally. He asked confused, "But why? I know you miss your parents. Stay with them for a few days". She stroked his head absently running her hands through his hair. He sighed blissfully and cuddled closer, she was so warm and it was making him sleepy.

"It's just, ...", she trailed off. The hesitation in her voice caught Murtasim's attention. He lifted his head off her shoulders and laid down on the pillow next to her so that he could look her in the eyes. "I don't like the idea of leaving you here alone. I know how lonely you get without me", she said innocently. "Plus I don't trust Haya", she muttered under her breath.

Murtasim caught the last part as he was very close to her. "Are you jealous?". She huffed, "Jealous my foot. Fine I'll go. You enjoy your time here getting pampered by your sister/cousin/obsessed-lover", she shuddered at the inappropriateness of Haya's obsession with a married man who grew up with her like a brother. Her conspiracies have been getting worse. She was scared of leaving him unprotected. He was somehow dumb when it came to this.


Murtasim noting the worry behind her eyes slowly reached out and stroked her cheeks. "Don't worry my jealous wife. I promise to run in the opposite direction if I even see the big bad wolf aka Haya". She grumbled half-heartedly but hugged him without a word. She couldn't bring herself to say she was going to miss him. A lot. She secretly wished he would stop her but alas nothing happened. Did he stop loving her as much as before because she started reciprocating his feelings? She tightened her grip on him.


Murtasim was starting to miss his wife and it hasn't even been a day since she was gone. He sighed. He had been very close to begging her to stay but he had some work that needs to be done here. Said work involves a certain Zubair and so he didn't want his wife here when he took care of it.

Finally Meerab had started opening up to him and even expressed her feelings for him, mostly by gestures, he knew his wife was proud so he didn't push her. They had finally consummated their marriage. She couldn't resist him anymore, he thought smugly. He had witnessed his usually brave and open minded wife going quiet and shy on that fateful day. It had been an memorable day indeed, he thought fondly. Now those memories haunted him. He wanted to take her in his arms. He sighed. It's going to be a long week he thought miserably.

Meerab was lost in a world of her own. It's been a few days since she came to Karachi and she was feeling very restless for some reason. She had a great time with her friends sans Rohail but she couldn't shake off the feeling of something missing.

It's most likely your bed partner, a small voice in her head said. Shut up. It's been just 3 days, just 3 days and she's acting like she hadn't seen him in months. Pull yourself together Meerab, you don't need an arrogant man with serious anger issues to make you happy, her inner voice chimed in. But he also was kind, caring and gentle when it came to her and she had fallen in love with him for that, another voice added.

She sat down on the couch and groaned. Seems like Murtasim was right. She somehow let him worm his way into her heart and made her miss him. She was a little annoyed at herself. He even ruined sleep for her. After she had finally torn the contract and agreed for a physical relationship everything changed so fast.

He had become so affectionate. His actions had rubbed off on her and she had started being free with her affections towards him too. It had become so bad to a point at one instance, he had fallen asleep on the couch doing his work. She couldn't control the rush of feelings and had stayed on the floor watching him sleep while holding his hands. He had been too smug when he had caught her slip when he woke up and had teased her endlessly which had lead to some interesting activities. She blushed.

Now she can't sleep properly without his presence nearby. She kept on waking up in the middle of the night looking for him. She couldn't even talk to him properly through phone as he was working most of the day. Maybe she was the only one missing him, she thought painfully.

"Meerab! Come and have dinner", her mother called from the kitchen. She left her spot and made her way to the dining room. She was still distracted as she pulled out a chair to sit when she heard a very familiar voice say teasingly, "Aren't you going to greet your husband?". Meerab's mom and dad waited with bated breath for her to explode.


To everyone's surprise she just walked over to Murtasim who was standing there watching his wife for any reaction. Suddenly she threw her arms around his middle and hugged him close crying a little. After his initial surprise Murtasim hugged her back and patted her back soothingly, "I'm sorry don't cry. I can leave if you want. Just don't cry", he said half-jokingly. "No", she said firmly and hugged him tighter. She was home, finally. Meerab's parents looked at each other surprised, seems like their daughter was just going to be fine.


That night Murtasim stayed awake stroking his wife's back as she slept. He felt blessed recalling her reaction from earlier when she saw him. To be honest he had been a little scared that after this small separation she would go back to hating him again, forgetting the blissful time they had spent together, but after seeing the look of pure joy and relief in her eyes when she saw him he was feeling relieved and happy.

"Murtasim! Why are you awake?", a sleepy voice asked him. "Just rewinding the memory of your happy tears when you saw me", he replied teasingly and kissed her on the top of her head. "The tears were not for you, it's my stupid hormones that's all over the place. I keep on crying for almost no reason these days. In a way it is because of you I guess", she said yawning and went back to sleep hugging him.

Murtasim looked at the figure sleeping in his arms speechless, "What do you mean by that? Meerab?", he asked confused. No response. "Meerab! Is it what I think it is? You can't just say something like that and go back to sleep without explaining it. Come on yaar!", he said with shocked exasperation. "Huh, But I think I can", she said with an light grin and patted him on his chest in a comforting gesture. "Tomorrow, we'll talk tomorrow". Murtasim looked at his wife in disbelief. She'll be the death of him, at least it won't be a boring one.

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Tere Bin OS [mature]


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