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[Caution: This chapter has content related to period. Read at your own discretion]

Meerab saw red, literally. God how could she have forgotten? She remembered it clearly a few days ago when her mood was swinging faster than a circus clown and then she had forgotten it completely. What was she supposed to do now? She had accompanied Murtasim to the village and now she was stuck in a house in the middle of nowhere. She started pacing in the bathroom weighing her options.

A knock sounded on the door. Meerab jumped then felt hopeful, "Neelo ji, is that you? Can you please do me a favour?", Meerab said quickly. There was a long pause then a obviously male and a very familiar voice replied, "Ugh, I am not Neelo ji, but sure I can do you a favour", her husband's voice said uncertainly.

"Murtasim, what are you doing here?", Meerab asked exasperated. "Well, I am your husband and this is our room, so just trying to use the bathroom", he said amused. What has gotten into her now? There's never a dull moment with Meerab, he thought affectionately.

Meerab sighed exasperated then clutched her stomach and groaned when a particularly strong cramp hit her. "Murtasim, can you please get Neelo ji?", she managed to ask in a slightly pained voice. Murtasim was concerned by now, "What happened Meerab? Why do you sound like you are in pain? Did you fall and get hurt? Or did something cut yo-", Meerab cut off his tirade, "Stop Murtasim! The way you are being so specific about how I could be hurt makes me think this is not the first time you have imagined them", she said with narrowed eyes.

"Just get her won't you", she finally said. "I sent her home early as her daughter is visiting. Besides if you are okay then just tell me what you need, I can get it for you", he said leaning slightly against the bathroom door.

Meerab felt embarrassed. No matter how progressive her thoughts are, it still felt strange to talk about this topic with a man, even if the said man is her annoying cousin turned husband. "I can't tell you Murtasim, it's personal. Just get me one of the maids please", she said with a desperate edge to her voice.

Murtasim was annoyed now. Why can't she understand that he wants to be a part of her life and take care of her needs? Why does she always push him away? So she's okay with trusting a maid and not him? Her husband?

"Meerab I'm not getting anyone. Just tell me what you need and I'll get it for you. And what do you mean personal? I'm your husband now. I promised to be there for you through thick and thi-". "I got my period", Meerab said in a serious voice not wanting to listen to his rant for another second.

That shut him right up. There was a long silence. Meerab asked suspiciously, "Murtasim, Murtasim, are you still there?". She heard him clear his throat. "I am", he said with an odd hitch to his voice. "I am here". "Did you hear what I said?", she asked. "Hmm, yes, congratulations?", he asked uncertainly.

Meerab rolled her eyes, "Don't congratulate me like it's my first ever period Murtasim. I got my period for this month and I didn't bring any sanitary napkins with me". Murtasim felt his dread rise with each of her words, he didn't like where this was going. "So can you please go and buy some for me? Pretty please", she said with a fake innocent voice. Murtasim could tell she was enjoying this.

"Actually Meerab I just remembered I have an urgent matter to attend to in the village. I will ask one of the maids to get whatever you need", he said desperately trying to escape. Meerab was amused, this was getting interesting. "Urgent matter in the middle of the night? Out of nowhere? Hmm, right, right", Meerab said in a thoughtful voice. Murtasim waited hopeful.

"If you think I am going to buy that story, you have a another thing coming Mister. Don't tell me the big bad Murtasim Khan is scared of something as simple as going to a shop and getting something for his wife? So all that talk about there should no secrets between us, etc, etc are just for show isn't it", Meerab asked. God she wished she could see his face now. She giggled imagining his sad, innocent eyes. He was cute when he was embarrassed.

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