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Hello guys,

It's just a random scenario I thought of, it should fall somewhere before Haya finding the contract. It's quite light-hearted. Hope you like it. Do leave your comments/feedbacks.

Meerab was reading a book on her side of the bed when she saw a shadow of a person run through the garden. She was surprised, who could be running in the garden in the middle of the night? Maybe it was Murtasim as he hadn't come to bed yet. Her curiosity got the better of her so she decided to investigate.

She went out to the garden and seeing no one there called out, "Who's there?", but no one replied. By now she was beginning to get a little scared. She remembered Murtasim's comments about the spirits roaming around the house. She shuddered. She saw one of the bushes swaying too much, she approached it cautiously and craned her neck trying to see clearly.

"What are you looking at?", Meerab jumped startled with a hand on her heart and turned around breathing heavily. Murtasim gave her a half smirk looking amused, "You look like you saw a ghost", he teased. Meerab slapped him on his chest looking irritated, "You scared me", she said angrily and started walking away.

Muratsim stopped her by holding her arms, "Fine, I'm sorry for scaring you. Now tell me what were you searching for?", Meerab still looked put out but narrated what she saw from their room. Murtasim asked cautiously, "Are you sure?". Meerab rolled her eyes, "I'm pretty sure. For a second I thought you were pulling my leg like you did that day", Murtasim grinned at that, that was one of his best moments with Meerab, she had trusted him to protect her and instinctively hugged him. "Why are you smiling like that?", she asked suspiciously. "Oh it's nothing", he said but couldn't wipe the grin off his face.


They both searched the garden but found nothing out of the ordinary. Even the security guards confirmed that they hadn't seen anything suspicious. "Fine let's just go to bed", Meerab sighed tiredly. When she entered their room she could feel something suspicious. Murtasim looked confused when she stopped suddenly before him. "What's wrong Meer-", she pointed shakily to their window.

Murtasim could see a shadow of someone behind the curtains. He swiftly pulled Meerab behind him, shielding her. "Who's there? Come out of there right now!", he said firmly. Meerab unconsciously moved closer to him and hid her face on his back. Finally the figure stepped out of the curtains.

"Haya?", Murtasim asked confused, "What are you doing here? And why were you hiding?". Meerab poked her head out of her hiding spot and finally stepped away from Murtasim. He already missed her closeness. "Murtasim I wasn't hiding, I dropped something when I came to ask what you wanted for breakfast tomorrow, so I was just searching for that behind the curtain", she said unconvincingly looking flustered.

Meerab rolled her eyes at her lame excuse. Murtasim too didn't believe her story but chose to let it go. After she was gone Meerab noted some of her things had been scattered from their usual spot. So Haya had been looking for something, what could it be she thought absently.

Meerab couldn't seem to sleep as the paranoia from earlier was still haunting her. She kept tossing and turning. "Meerab", Murtasim called softly. Meerab was startled for a second then relaxed after realising it's just Murtasim. "Are you scared?', he asked her with a small smile. Meerab cursed him inwardly, he knew her too well, it's annoying really.

"I am not scared of anything", she said in her signature haughty tone. Murtasim smiled, reached out and stroked her cheek, "You don't have to be scared when I am with you, you know that right", he asked gently. Meerab pouted and pushed his hands aside, "You were the one who told me all those ghost stories in the first place", she said a bit grumpily.

Murtasim sighed, "Okay fine since it's my fault tell me what can I do to help you sleep", he asked. Meerab was quite for a while then asked, "Did you lock the door?". Murtasim smiled teasingly, "I did, but you should know ghosts can travel through doors". Meerab hit him with a pillow. He just laughed.

After a while of thinking Meerab said, "Switch sides with me".Murtasim asked surprised, "What? Why?". "Then I'll be closer to the locked door and whatever ghosts or your crazy lovers who gets inside through the window will come for you first", she said seriously. Murtasim rolled his eyes in exasperation then smirked, "Aren't you worried my crazy lover might steal me from you?", Meerab scoffed, "In your dreams".

Murtasim laughed but got up and switched sides as she wanted. After a while Murtasim had an idea. Making sure she wasn't looking his way he threw a pen he had in the nightstand on the other side of Meerab. She jumped startled by the sudden sound, turned around, hugged Murtasim tightly without opening her eyes.

Murtasim looked down at her mesmerized, her beauty never failed to amaze him. "Are you scared now?", he asked after a while controlling his laughter. Meerab noticing his body shaking with amusement pulled away from him, looked around suspiciously and saw the pen lying harmlessly on the floor.

Her brain connected the dots, she turned around furious at her now laughing husband and pushed him right off the bed. "Ahhh", Murtasim groaned in pain lying on the floor tangled in his sheets. Meerab gave him one last dirty look, turned her back on him and tried to sleep.

Murtasim picked himself up groaning looking at his wife's angry back. He laid down on the bed and whispered a sorry. "I will throw you out of the room if you pull another stunt like that", she said without turning back. He smiled, "Of course, I am quite used to sleeping in uncomfortable couches by now", he said cheekily. Meerab shook her head at his childish behaviour but couldn't help the small smile that stayed on her face as she fell asleep.

Thanks for reading!

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