Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

          The bastard snickers and whispers something in your ear and he's rewarded with the gentle music of your laugh.

          Peter takes the seat next to you and you spend the entire lunch talking and getting to know each other better, all chummy. I am not interested in Peter. Not like that, you had assured him last night and he breathes deeply, remembering your words. Angel and Georgia giggle at you both from across the table, totally indiscreet. Peter shoves your arm playfully and you giggle. At his contact with you the professor grips his chalice, imagining it was a specific someone's throat. If those dunderheads had even the slightest clue of how he had made you scream last he had made you cu–

          "Isn't that right, Severus?" Minerva was saying, turning to Snape expectantly. What the devil had she been talking about for the last five minutes? How long had he been staring off? He pauses, "Well...yes," he nods, and she turns back to the teacher on her other side continuing her conversation. Why is he feeling so possessive? You're obviously free to do as you please. He would never want to stand in the way of that. He leaves the hall early, returning to his chambers to brew a potion and get his mind on something else––anything else.

          You noticed Snape rising and your eyes searched his face, hoping for even a brief moment of eye contact, but you aren't so lucky. Your heart sinks a little. He seems distracted. Probably busy with important issues. I can't expect to be on his mind 24/7, he does have other things to do after all.

         The image of you and Peter slipping discreetly behind the closed door, the way he made you laugh, and his whispers in your ear fills Professor Snape's mind as he attempts to focus on brewing a new batch of Polyjuice potion.

         You look for Snape all day, hoping to pass him in the halls or on the grounds somewhere. Angel and Georgia invite you to Hogsmeade along with some other students, so you finally decide to tag along after being unsuccessful in your search. Your mind keeps wandering back to his arms, his sleeves rolled up...the way he held you in the bath. Peter and Rupert walk not far behind you and Rupert catches up to you, leaning in, "Hey, Peter told me you knew that...well, about us. Thanks for keeping it to yourself and for being a friend to him. It's been really difficult being on a team of toxic macho quidditch players," "I can only imagine...he's actually keeping a secret for me as well, so he's got some leverage," you laugh.

         "Oh, also. Did he tell you about the erm, facade we're fabricating?" suddenly worried Rupert may believe it if a rumor started. "Yeah, I think it's a great idea as long as it keeps the focus off us," he replies, shrugging. "Unless you're actually gunning for my man, then it'll be fisticuffs at dawn." You laugh and feel a sense of reassurance, happily surprised with your two new friends.

          The group of you stop at Dogweed & Deathcap, the herbology shop.

The tiny bell dings softly as you enter, making your way through the tiny shop filled with herbs, potions, elixirs and exotic plants. "Careful not to knock over the Mandrakes, they're deadly!" the shopkeep shouts from the back. The girls begin discussing which herbs are best for skincare, Angel recommending the best one for sensitive skin. You make your way to another section with a black heart etched on a hanging sign and the word 'Seductions'.

           You casually skim the bottles of elixirs and your eyes land on a dark blue vial with "Allure" written in calligraphic lettering. "Makes you irresistible – they won't be able to keep their hands to themselves!" the tiny label claims. Your heart thumps at the thought of Severus unable to control himself because of his desire...for you. You purchase the elixir as covertly as you can, not wanting to draw the attention of your classmates. You take the small paper bag from the shopkeep and slip it into your bag, following the others to the Three Broomsticks for butterbear and warm cider. You spend most of the afternoon catching up with everyone's stories from the ball.

          That evening while passing through the long corridors outside, he stops at the sudden mention of your name in a small group of girls. He lingers quietly to hear the conversation. "Yes, she did! I'm not the only one who saw her leave with him! And then today I heard they made out in an empty classroom." "Then they spent the afternoon together in Hogsmeade...I saw her buying a sex potion!" a different girl chimes in. "I mean if we know they're having sex it's not a huge surprise they'd be sneaking off for a moment alone," another says.

          His heart sinks at the words, a kind of pang he hadn't felt in a long time. I shouldn't care about what she does in her personal life. I'm her professor, I don't have a right to be angry. He continues making his way to the headmaster's office for a meeting he really didn't care to attend. Especially right now. Determined to control his rising anger, he focuses on the topic of discussion for the meeting. The sound of his brisk steps resounding in the corridor, he clenches his jaw as the anger blossoms in defiance, rising from his gut to his chest, burning him.

          His fist clenches tightly, "I am not interested in Peter."

         Why did you lie? 

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