The Anniversary, Funeral of Crystals

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"Everyone ready?" She asked looking at their group of six.

She received nods from each member.

"Alright and then- Pixal, you've got the portal ready to operate?"

"I believe I do, not to mention the remote means that my work will be minimal."

Nya smiled at her and brushed off her sleeves. She was wearing a new outfit that was black for the most part with vibrant blue and purple sleeves.

On the other side of things Cole was now wearing the dark green turtleneck that they hadn't been able to get him out of for months after the initial incident. No one even bothered to argue with him about it this time.

In the back of her mind she wondered how Kai would react to seeing Cole like this. His eyes were tired and his hair was ten times longer than he normally kept it even with the bun he wore.

Her hand ghosted over the tape that was still pasted onto her face.

Maybe she should be more worried about how Cole would react to Kai.

Each of them, aside from Cole, had followed the quick request Kai had given her. "Try and wear something purple". They had all gone for something black as well considering.

Zane was fussing over Lloyd's outfit while the blonde struggled in his iron grip. Lloyd had black with streaks of green and a shocking teal blue with purple intertwined.

Zane himself was startling to see in black considering the contrast to his normal color. The purple was a different shade than most of theirs, a bright lavender just like the ice that gained the color when the light hit it just right.

The final two members of their group were in black formal wear with either a purple tie or accessories.

There was a soft whirring noise as the portal apparatus booted up. There were a few snaps and cracks until eventually a soft blue portal of smoke whirled to life around the metal structure.

She took a deep breath in and out.

"Okay." She said with a smile "Let's go."

. . .

When the blinding light of the portal cleared from her vision and soft sand shifted beneath her feet she felt the chill of the cold night air of the desert.

Looking up Nya was met with the smiling face of her brother who had a new outfit of his own.

Sleeveless, with long flowing scarf-robe things hanging from his shoulders. Harem pants now stopped a few inches under his knees.

"Wow, hypocrite much? Where's your purple?"

Kai just rolled his eyes at her.

Then Cole stepped out of the portal with a loud fizzing noise and despite having seen Nya's nose Kai still smiled brightly at the master.

"Cole!" Kai called with open arms and the Earth master's head whipped around.

Somehow, Kai seemed to be the only one who couldn't sense the storm the earth master had wrapped around him.

Cole's imposing figure bounded over to the younger master with heavy stomps. Sand swirled around his feet and in seconds he was standing over Kai who was still smiling like an idiot.

It looked like he was going in for a hug, that is, before the master of earth quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it with a loud POP! Kai failed to suppress a loud yelp as he was thrown to the ground.

Then, as quickly as it happened, Cole picked him back up, placed him on his feet, and harshly shoved his shoulder back into place.

Kai rubbed his arm with a pained laugh.

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