"Emma. Look, if I agree to this, and you ever disobey us like that again, you'll get it worse than I was planning today. If we do this, you will be a baby. You know what you have to talk like, what you have to call us, even what you have to do. You can't mess this up." He explained.

I immediately shook my head yes, hugging him around his neck.

He wasn't going to punish me.

"M'promise, Papa."
I said once more, digging my head into his shoulder.

"Okay, baby. You're fine. No punishment."

*one week later*

Liam's POV

I smiled, my arms around Emmy as she sat between my legs, giggling cutely as she watched her Daddy(Niall) slip on the grass and fall back on his bum.

It's been a week since she agreed to conform to a baby without any problems. And believe me when I saw without any problems. She's been a dream lately and so adorable.

"Daddy fall." She squeals around her dummy, giggling as Niall stuck his tongue out at her.

Louis, Harry, and Niall were just messing around, kicking the football around while me and Emmy stayed to the side.

She had played on the swings and slide earlier, of course making us enjoy it with her. She had gotten tired so I decided to let her rest while the boys messed around.

"What? You think that's funny, princess?" Niall said sitting down in front of her.

She bash fully nodded, a small blush on her cheeks.

He chuckled, taking her into his lap and tickling her sides. One thing we've learned, Emmy is the most ticklish person in the whole world.

She squeaked, laughing, her dummy falling on the grass.

"Niall." I scolded. "You made her dummy fall on the dirt."

He paid no attention to me, watching Em as she squirmed in his arms, laughing musically.

Her one of a kind giggle caught Louis and Harry's attention, bringing them over to where we were sitting.

"Daddy, stahp." She cried, having enough of the torture.

"Alright, babybear." He said, sitting her in his lap, facing towards him.

She smiled, bringing her hands up to her face and making 'claws' out of them and growling.
Niall mirrored her moves, growling playfully and rubbing his nose against hers.

For some reason they always do the bear thing. It's adorable, Niall is quite protective of her, like a Daddy bear.

Suddenly, Emmy's nose scrunched up cutely.

"Ewie. Daddie's stinky." She said as Louis and Harry sat down besides her, coming from sweating.

They laughed.

"Alright, how bout Daddie's go take a shower and we get you some lunch, how bout that, baby?" I asked standing up and scooping her up.

She nodded. "M'hungary." Her arms wrapped loosely around my shoulders, resting her head against my neck.

We walked inside, the other three boys going to take showers in their bathrooms.

"Whatcha want for lunch, buggaboo?"

She thought for a moment before a wide smile appeared.

"Mac'cheese." She spoke, her own little abbreviation she made up.

I nodded, setting her on the counter.

"What kind of veggies?"

She knew some kind of veggie was required at every meal.

"Carros." She lisped around a new dummy, obviously meaning carrots.

I took random glances making sure she was okay as I cooked the small meal.

Louis walked down, his hair still damp watching to see what I was cooking.

"Papa!" Emmy quickly distracted him, throwing her arms in his direction. He smiled, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

She squeaked, pushing his face away.

"Hair cold ands wet." She pouted, widening her big blue eyes.

"Aw, I'm sorry, bug."

"Goes 'stairs." She mumbled to him around her dummy, signaling she wanted to go upstairs.

"We can in a little while, Em. I think Daddy is almost finished with dinner." Louis said brushing back some of her hair that was in her face.

I sighed, finally putting the last plate together and grabbing Emmy to feed her.

"Emmy, here baby girl." I said lifting the spoon to her mouth.

Her attention averted back to me, quickly accepting the spoon of cooling Mac.

I fed her quickly, her patience small today.

She just wanted to do everything today.

"Goes play?" She asked as I wiped the remains of her food of her mouth.

I smiled, nodding.

She tried wiggling out of my arms to Louis, but I quickly stopped her.

"Hey, now! Doesn't daddy get a kiss?" I pouted, putting on a frown.

She gasped dramatically quickly coming back to me.

"M'sorry, Daddy!" She exclaimed loudly, clearly upset that she forgot.

I smiled as he put her small hands on my cheeks, giving me a sloppy kiss.

"Lub you, daddy." She mumbled before going back to Louis.

I smiled, walking over to the sink, starting on washing the left over dishes.

"Hey, um, Liam?" Niall asked me walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah, Ni?"

He looked around nervously before standing next to me.

"Management says we have a signing next week. What are we gonna do about, Emmy?"
He clearly sounded upset, knowing this was going to have to be the first time we would have to pull her out of her headspace.

Obviously this would be extremely difficult. What if she doesn't want to go back in afterwards?

I sighed, leaning my back against the counter and rubbing my hands over my face slowly.

"I don't know, Nialler. Obviously she has to come out of the headspace. I just don't know how'll we will get her out or back in."


This wasn't the best chapter, but at least I updated.

What do you think is going to happen for the signing?

Daddy?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora