Chapter Twelve.

Começar do início

"April 13, 1990. I am 24." The lady printed out a bracelet and wrapped it around his wrist before she turned to Jaylee and Luke. 

"I'm going to take him to do his blood pressure and heart rate, and then I'll bring him out here to wait for a doctor." Jaylee nodded, and the lady took Sam to another room. Luke and Jaylee sat in the waiting room, and Luke wrapped his arm around Jaylee. She leaned her head against his shoulder and let out a sigh. The nurse brought Sam back out and sat him in front of Luke and Jaylee. "We will try to get him back as soon as we can, but you are looking at about an hour wait." 

Jaylee nodded and thanked the nurse, and she walked back to the front desk. Luke saw that Jaylee was exhausted, so he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pressed a gentle kiss against her forehead. 

"Why don't you take a nap, baby? I'll be right here when you wake up." Luke suggested, and Jaylee nodded, rubbing her eyes. Jaylee's eyes were becoming heavy, and with everything that they had been through that night, she definitely deserved a nap. She rested her head against Luke's shoulder, falling asleep instantly. 


"Jay, come on. We can go home." Jaylee's eyes fluttered open, lifting her head up. No one was in the waiting room except for Luke, Jaylee, and Sam. Luke was staring at her, and Sam was on crutches. 

Her eyebrows crinkled in confusion, and she stared at Luke. "Since when did you call me Jay?" 

Luke chuckled quietly, and they walked out of the hospital with Sam trailing behind. Luke helped Sam into the car and sat his crutches beside him. Jaylee crawled into the passenger's seat, and Luke hopped into the driver's seat. On the way to her house, Jaylee fell asleep again, and when they reached the house, Luke glanced at her. She looked so peaceful sleeping, and he didn't want to wake her, so he helped Sam out of the car and handed him his crutches. Luke grabbed Jaylee's keys and unlocked the front door for him, and Sam turned to Luke before going inside. 

"Thanks for helping me, Luke. I really appreciate it." Sam said, and Luke nodded, shooting him a smile. 

"It's no problem, man. I would do anything for you and her." A small smile grew on Sam's face, and he patted Luke's shoulder. 

"I know, dude. Just promise me one thing." Luke shook his head, signaling for Sam to continue, and they both glanced back at Jaylee. She was still sound asleep in Luke's car, and a small smile grew on Luke's lips before he looked at Sam again. "Promise me you will take care of my sister once I get drafted again. She loves you, Luke. Don't hurt her." 

Luke's heart pounded a little faster. Jaylee loved him. He nodded and smiled at Sam. "I promise, Sam. She will always be in good hands with me." 

Sam nodded and hopped into the house. He hopped up the stairs, and Luke could see he was in pain. Once Sam disappeared at the top of the stairs, Luke walked back to the car and picked Jaylee up bridal style, locked his car, and carried her into the house. He carried her all the way up to her room and placed her on her bed. He was about to leave, but her soft, tired voice stopped him. 


Luke turned around and walked back to her, setting on the edge of her bed. He stroked her cheek with his hand, and she wrapped her hand around his arm. For a second, they stared into each other's eyes. Jaylee watched as Luke's ocean blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight, and a small smile grew on her lips. Luke leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss against her lips, and the world stopped for a moment. It was just Jaylee and Luke, and that was perfect to her. When they pulled away, thunder rumbled through the sky, and Jaylee glanced at him once again with her tired brown eyes. 

The Heartbreakers. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora