Interlude II Chapter II

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Descending on the deserted, empty planet, the X-Wing kicks up copious amounts of dust as it lands, in the center of what looks like a city. The buildings of which are crumbling at every inch, and haven't been lived in for centuries almost.

The cockpit of the rebel ship cracks open, revealing Y/N. Still unchanged, despite much time having passed. He looks determined, and drops, ceremoniously out of the cockpit of the ship, landing on his boots, and surveying his surroundings.

As he looks, he notices certain areas with a lack of dust, other than the area he landed, of course.

Y/N: (whisper) If there's areas that have been disturbed then maybe my informant wasn't lying to me. Maybe I won't have to break his neck. Unless of course, those areas were dusted by animals.

He takes several steps, and keys in on the complete lack of ambient sound. Nothing in the desolate city. Not even the cry of a bird, or any other living creature. Complete, and deafening silence. Y/N thinks for a moment and raises his hands to his mouth.

He loudly makes the same sound a Moraband serpent would make. Seeing as the dirty planet of Moraband would absolutely have once housed a serpent, it only figures to use the cry of one to test anything.

Regardless, the hiss of the serpent only echoes formidably throughout the empty streets of the formerly hostile sith dwelling planet. The mission. The mission Y/N was sent here for. It was to track down a possible splinter cell of the Empire, containing supposed force users that were also corrupted by the evil, disgusting hands of Sheev Palpatine.

The title of emperor no longer suited the "man" As if the fortune of being a living breathing creature wasn't gift enough, Palpatine furthered this ruin of a gift by destroying whatever he could. The one thing that he could not destroy however, was the L/N family.

Even still, despite his fall at one of the strongest force users in history, Palpatine's touch was still present, such as within these splinter cells, Or at least, that is what Y/N believes.

Despite many sources telling him that they've been involved with or were tormented by these factions, Y/N has been unable to find any of them. Not even a trace. Not so much as a reverberation of the force, nor a living soul traceable. Even still, Y/N continued hunting.

He wanted to make sure that no one else would ever feel the things Palpatine had done to him and his family. His mother, his brother, his son, his daughter. All of them had their lives changed by the Empire.

Despite all of this, Y/N continued fighting, and with the sheer power of will he possessed, he managed to defeat, and kill the sith lord. As he thought, his feet carried him further than he was expecting them to. They moved him all the way over to what seemed to be an outcropping, intended for looking over something, seeing as it was on the edge of a cliff, this area being the only one that seemed "lived" in within sight.

Y/N: This place looks remarkably clean for a planet that's supposedly been abandoned for a long while.

He steps up to the outcrop, to be met with a marvelous sight. A massive city, tucked away in a valley, hidden by the many dead trees and lack of anything that would look appealing. In any case, Y/N spies a giant spire rising from a large building.

Y/N: How the hell did I miss that?

He straightens out his clothing before heading over towards the city in the valley. As he walks, he continues to notice many things about the city. There was no chance this place had been inhabited at any point since these buildings were constructed. As he tiptoes through the streets, he still hears nothing but his own breath and footsteps. No living creatures still, though he becomes far more suspicious once he reaches the front door of the temple.

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