Interlude I Chapter III

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Y/N is currently seated at a bar in Mos Eisley. His hair is longer now. It's now been around 13 years since the fall of the republic and the Jedi Order. For some reason, aside from his hair, he doesn't look any older.

He still looks around 25-ish. Y/N still goes and visits Padme every so often. He's just sitting there enjoying his drink. He takes his hand and sweeps back his long (H/C) hair and has a rare thought.

He hums to himself and takes another swig of his drink before being brought out of his thoughts by a loud crash and some yelling. He sighs to himself and stands up to diffuse the situation.

He makes his way over to the ruckus and spots a wookie, a young looking brown haired man and a rodian yelling at one another with blasters out and the wookie holding a bow-caster.

Rodian: (huttese) Solo, u're do dead nek! (Solo, you're a dead man!)

Solo: I don't think that's your decision Greedo. Perhaps you'd like to negotiate with my friend here.

He gestures to the wookie who makes wookie noises and moves menacingly towards the rodian.

Greedo: Han solo mee vow tah killya u someday. (Han Solo I vow to kill you someday)

Han: Whatever you say buddy.

Greedo backs away past Y/N and holsters his weapon. Han and the wookie do the same. The two take their seats but not before the wookie sets the table back up. Y/N sits in the booth opposite them as Han Solo stares him down.

Han: And who might you be?

Y/N: Doesn't matter who I am. What I want to know is who you two are. My guess is that your name is Han Solo. So that would mean your friend right here is Chewbacca.

Han: Wonderful deduction. Why would it matter to you who we are?

Y/N: Well the thing is, I work as a bounty hunter part-time and one of the highest paying bounties, well that's you two. Small universe we live in huh?

Han: I see. Good to see someone trying to clean up the trash around here. In any case, do you intend to bring us in by yourself?

Y/N: Not exactly.

Han: Well the thing is, you won't be able to bring us in if you have a hole in your head.

In an instant Han whips out his blaster and aims directly at Y/N's forehead. Just as fast Y/N has his now gloved hand over the blaster.

Han: What's that gonna do?

Y/N: More than you'd think.

Han chuckles and pulls the trigger. A bolt fires off straight into the gloved hand but doesn't go through, baffling the smuggler and his wookie associate.

Han: Well that's unusual.

Y/N: Yeah I've gotten that before.

Han: How's that work? Metal plated glove?

Y/N: Yep, something like that.

Y/N pulls off his glove, which has a hole in it now, and reveals his metal hand.

Han: I don't know if I'd say those two things are alike.

Y/N: In any case, there's a reason I've been trying to find you two.

Chewbacca: *wookie noises*

Han: Calm down Chewie. What do you want?

Y/N: Bounty hunting has gotten quite boring if I do say so myself. So I figured I'd try to get into another field. Know what I mean?

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