Interlude I Chapter I

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Solitude is a tough thing to do. But it's often less difficult if you have a friend. That is not the case for Obi-Wan Kenobi. He had been living in his cave for close to two years now. He was being driven insane by his "roommate."

Y/N: And then there was that time in the Fel Cran nebula on Tundu where I stopped that Charhound from tearing your face off. Uhhhh, what other missions have we been on? Give me some names.

Obi-Wan: Alright I get it. You've saved me a few times-

Y/N: I just listed like a dozen times. It's more than a few Obi. I just want credit where credit's due.

Obi-Wan: Fine Y/N. You've saved my life countless times. Now is there nothing else you can think of doing?

Y/N: That's more like it. And there is something I have in mind. Well, since the day we got here I thought about it.

Obi-Wan: You don't mean?

Y/N: I do mean. I want you to teach me how to perfect the mind trick. If we're going to be living a lie here we'll need to be able to make other people believe the lie. Especially if we want to get jobs. I can do it kind of, but you're really good at it and I want you to teach me how to do it right.

Obi-Wan: I really don't know if that's a good idea my friend.

Y/N: Would you rather me recount the other dozens of times I've saved you?

Obi-Wan's face widens in horror and he goes and pulls up a chair for him and his friend.

Obi-Wan: So the first step is about breathing properly. First off, take some deep breaths. If your body isn't settled then neither will your mind or abilities be.

The two take several deep breaths and come to a meditative stance, breathing steadily along all the while.

Obi-Wan: The next step is focusing in your mind on what you want to be conveyed. Have it in your mind and know for certain what it is. Do you have it?

Y/N: I got it.

Obi-Wan: Good. This next step is crucial. You must be able to pull the thing from your mind to your mouth all while using the force to run through the target's body and mind. It is a very complicated process that doesn't always work. The average user of these tricks can make it work only on the weak minded. Which is why you'll have to go out and try it on others. It won't work on me. So go on an-

Y/N: Your name is Obi-Wan Kenobi and you owe your life to Y/N L/N for saving you countless times.

Obi-Wan: ...Y/N I told you that wasn't going to work.

Y/N puts his other hand on his temple and tries to force something out and to Obi-Wan. He strains his mind and his body, trying in vain.

Obi-Wan: Y/N give it up. You're going to burst a blood vessel if you keep straining like this.

Finally, Y/N releases the tension in his body and lets out a defeated sigh, slumping against the cave wall. Obi-Wan gets up and goes over to their storage area and starts making them alcoholic drinks. He hands one over to Y/N which he gratefully accepts.

Obi-Wan: I told you that it wouldn't work on me Y/N. You'll have to go around town soon and give it a shot.

Y/N sits up and takes a lengthy swig of his beverage.

Obi-Wan: I thought you didn't drink. What changed?

Y/N: Living on this planet stresses me out. I hate it here. I always have.

Obi-Wan: I'll drink to that. You were right. I don't know you put up with this planet for so long.

Y/N: Did the 20 years you've known me not give you that idea already? I've only said that for as long as I can remember.

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