Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Seunghee extended her arm and cupped Namjoon's face, her thumb slowly caressing her husband's cheeks, making him look at her with a such pitiful gaze. "My love, Taehyung is one of the strongest people I ever met, amazingly, Seokjin is taking care of him and making sure he's comfortable, don't think about the worst, I'm positive that when he comes tomorrow, he will talk to you and Yoongi and sort everything out, okay?"

Namjoon hummed as he took Seunghee's hand from his face, he brought it to his lips and planted a lingering kiss on the back of her hand. "I love you, Seunghee, I hope Taehyung finds someone who loves him as much I love you, you are so important to me..."

"I love you too, Namjoon, to the moon and back, sweetie..." Seunghee reciprocated, giggling quietly with the tickles Namjoon was giving her with his feathery kisses on her hand "Do you, ah, do you think, Seokjin would ever be interested in Taehyung? I don't know if he's straight or not, he could be bi for all we know, either way, do you think he's a match?"

"You know I prefer to not pry on my brother's personal life, Taehyung feels more at ease with Yoongi and I don't mind that, if he wants to talk to me about a particular subject I'm always there for him, but if I'm being honest..." Namjoon paused, reflecting on the words he spoke to Seokjin earlier when they were on the phone, he truly didn't like invading Taehyung's life like that, but he had a formed opinion "Seokjin isn't Taehyung's type, but after the last two boyfriends my brother had, I think he's done with the "dating the relaxed and manly type of guy" phase, Minhyuk, his first boyfriend was mature for his age and very dedicated to his studies, Seokjin reminds me of him for some reason..."

"Oh, I remember Minhyuk, he was such a gentleman and very nice boy..." Seunghee recalled a few moments when she was hanging out with Namjoon during the winter break, it was snowing and incredibly cold outside, Taehyung was fidgety about spending his first Christmas with Minhyuk, that unique smile of his was so wide and bright, it could melt the entire snow surrounding the neighbourhood. The pink-haired female missed that Taehyung, despite the younger with colourful hair being the liveliest and most energetic person she knew, the person she saw almost every day, wasn't so cheerful and lively like the old days "Seokjin is not the same so, your comparison is kind of odd, sweetheart, although I admit, they looked very well together, did you see the photo Jungkook took of them yesterday, they seemed like a couple, I think we took a photo similar to theirs..."

"If you say something like that in front of my brother and Yoongi, you better prepare yourself to buy a tone of snacks for them" Namjoon chuckled lightly, making Seunghee laugh as well "But in all seriousness, I want to talk to Taehyung about Seokjin, I know my brother is going to talk about Hongseok with Yoongi, that is already a lot of pressure for him, I just want to make sure Seokjin didn't do anything to disturb my baby brother, I don't care if he's my boss, my family comes first"

"I love how protective you are towards Taehyung..." Seunghee said sweetly, gazing at Hoseok, who seemed to be restless during his sleep "And towards Hoseok as well..."

Namjoon admired Seunghee as she watched over Hoseok's sleeping form while praying to be blessed with a child of his own, his wife was gentle and nurturing, and she was going to be the perfect mother. Seunghee helped Hoseok or Taehyung when they weren't feeling themselves or were upset and bothered with a specific matter, she cared deeply for them and accepted them for the people they were. Namjoon was truly a lucky man for being married to the most beautiful and kindest woman on the planet, Seunghee was understanding and deserved the entire universe.

A loud sound came from outside, startling both Seunghee and Namjoon, who looked around the bedroom when the lights went down with the violent thunder. Both of them felt movement from their sides, probably the noise awoke Hoseok.

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