Start from the beginning

Behind her sarcastic voice was happiness. This was the first time Reed had openly greeted her in the morning in front of all the students. Before, he would keep their chats short, obviously wary of the prying eyes, but now it seemed he didn't care about what those around him thought. Currently, all that mattered to him was making Ember take her attention off Cohen.

"As the vampire who you like better than a certain bastardly ginger, I wanted to walk you to your first period. Free of charge, of course," Reed offered, taking the chance to insult Cohen along the way.

Ember flushed a bright red after recalling their conversation from the infirmary. Now she wished that she hadn't told Reed about how she truly felt about him. It would have been better if that cocky vampire thought she hated him.

"And who is this bastardly ginger? I sure would like to meet them since there aren't many gingers around this school," Cohen butted into the conversation.

"It's yo–..."

Desperate to avoid a fight at all costs, Ember sputtered out, "Anyway! Reed, let's get going! Cohen, I'll see you after school!"

She roughly grabbed Reed by his wrist and hauled him away. A few students watched this ordeal, eagerly eating up the scene for gossip at lunch. Soon everyone would be whispering about the fake rumor of Ember and Reed holding hands on their way to first period like a couple. Though that rumored couple must be in a tough spot in their relationship because soon after walking away together, they were arguing in an empty classroom, unused due to the fact that the air conditioner broke. The humid air added to the fuel of their dispute that concerned Cohen.

"I know you don't like Cohen, but you don't have to be so obvious about it!" Ember seethed. "It wouldn't kill you to at least be nice to him for once. You know, from what I've seen, he hasn't said or done anything mean to you, not once. Instead, you are the one being a complete bastard. If anything, he deserves to hate you. At least he would have a valid reason to."

It was annoying how quickly Ember was to get mad in Cohen's stead. Why should she feel offended when it was Cohen receiving the insult?  One answer surfaced in his head, and he didn't like it, not one bit. If that answer were to be true, he didn't know whether or not he would be able to keep his composure.

"You've only seen the parts of him that he wants to show you. I've seen everything, the good and the bad, Ember," Reed attempted to explain his actions, slightly hoping that Ember would understand him.

His hope was crushed by what she said next. "What does it matter if he has good and bad parts? That's what makes him human, but I suppose a vampire wouldn't be able to comprehend that."

It was a quick and decisive jab toward Reed, one that hit him straight in the chest, piercing him through the heart. Now she wasn't just getting angry in place of Cohen, but she was also defending him when he wasn't there to do so.

"I'll forgive you for that low blow if you answer my question."

Reed was angry enough to leave the classroom without another word, but he decided to stay, too desperate to know the truth to turn his back on her. He was afraid that the truth was one that would ultimately hurt him, much like how her previous words had. As he awaited her reply, he made sure to bite down on his lip, piercing through the skin. That pain would remind him not to display his emotions on his face. The last thing he wanted was for her to know how much she affected him.

Instantly after insulting Reed, Ember regretted it. She wasn't being any different than Reed by being mean to him. That was why she readily agreed, "Go on, I'll answer depending on your question."

"Do you like Cohen?" Reed asked, averting his eyes from where she stood to focus on the distant pink of the camellias just outside the window.

The question weighed heavily in the hot air. It settled to the floor, seeping into the ground as silence pressed against it. No answer was worse than an answer. He at least wanted her to say something, anything, even if she said yes.

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