Ahh.. I wonder when will Taeyeon shower me with her panties.

I would love placing myself under the raining panties of Taeyeon.

I will also place big basins around me so I can catch lots of panties.

Ahah! I’ll have dinner at her place later. I think I can steal one or two panties of Taeyeon.

There’s no harm in stealing panty of your girlfriend.

Should I also steal used bra of her?

I would definitely do that.

Panties and Bras!! Just wait for me later… you’ll be under my care before this day ends.


I place the huge open box where the groceries are sleeping on the top of the kitchen bar. I, as Taeyeon’s future wife won’t allow her to carry heavy things. It’s bad for her.

She needs to take care of herself because after her graduation I will make her pregnant with my triplets. That’s why she needs to be healthy.

“such a strong girlfriend I have here” Taeyeon said and peck on my right cheek with smile on her ever so beautiful face.

I wonder if God is bias on her. He made her perfect. And yes! Her body is also perfect. She don’t need to have those huge watermelons hanging on her chest like Sunny, or two soccer balls as her butt like Nikki Minja’s. Her body fits in her and it’d be weird if she has those watermelons and soccer balls attached on her body when her face is tiny just like my thumb.


I bend my both arms showing her my muscles. “What’s the use of my muscles if I can’t carry heavy things for my girlfriend?” I brag.

Actually Taeyeon can ride at my back while I’m carrying the heavy box. That’s how strong I am.

Jessica unnie suddenly appeared in the kitchen.

Here comes the villain.

“ohhh stop showing her your non-existing muscles Tiffany” Jessica unnie said while checking the groceries. “because Taeyeon has abs”. She continue and stops checking the box.

Jessica unnie then turn to Taeyeon, “baby sister show to this girl your abs”.

Taeyeon look hesitant at first but after Jessica unnie persuade her a little then she finally agreed.

My baby holds the end of her shirt and slowly lifting it until it reaches under her breast.


Can anyone give me Nutella?

I have long buns in front of me!

Her abs is… WOW!!

They look yummy.

I can spread some nutella there and eat them.

I blink several times to restore my vision.

I can’t believe that a petite girl like her have abs like this.

Her abs is better than those athletes in our University.

Taeyeon + abs = menbong!

I keep on staring at her abs. the way her stomach is moving is really hot.

Don’t drool Tiffany.

Don’t drool.


Don’t drool.

I said don’t drool.

Damn it!

Jessica unnie laugh like a retard. “looks like the great cave explorer is drooling over my sister’s abs”

I immediately wipe my mouth with my shirt, “of course….”

I was about to deny but when I look at my shirt… my drool is there laughing at me.

“fine… I’m drooling. How can I not? Taeyeon’s abs is WOW! Like WOW!!!!”

I look at Taeyeon and she’s blushing. She’s slowly pulling down her shirt when I remember something.

“wait baby. Don’t! I just need to do something”

“weh?” Taeyeon ask me but remain in her position.

I glance at Jessica unnie. She’s staring at me intently.

Gosh! Can she stop staring at me like that?

“just … wait baby” I said and kneel down with my right kneed and left leg as support.

Taeyeon and Jessica unnie are staring at me with confusion.

I stare at my baby’s abs and focus.

“click” I said and blink at the same time.

“click” *blink*

“click” *blink*

“click” *blink*

“click” *blink*

I did it few more until I had enough.

Then I tilted my head to the right side and do the same ‘click and blink’ move again.

“uhh… baby what are you doing? You look weird” Taeyeon ask.

“she’s already weird. Don’t be surprised anymore” Jessica unnie answered.

I dismiss Jessica unnie’s comment and continue what I’m doing.

It’s more important than her comment.

After having enough clicking and blinking at the right side I tilted my head on my left side. Then after the left side I stood up then look down on her abs then do again the ‘click and blink’ move. Of course I didn’t forget to lay down and look up on her abs and do the moves again.

“ok. I’m done” I announced with wide smile on my face.

Taeyeon pull down her shirt, “uhhh.. baby what with the click and blink?”

I grin at her, “I took a picture of your abs baby. I wanted it to be on my phone but I’m afraid that someone might steal my phone or I accidentally lost it. I don’t want other people to see your yummy abs. it’s only for me and my eyes only” I answered.

Taeyeon throw her body on me with her arms on me neck, hugging me.

I can’t help but to smile like an idiot.

I’m proud of my answer. I think I can win the pageant with my answer.

“aww… why you’re so sweet baby?” Taeyeon broke our hug and stare at me.

“because I have Taeyeon in my life”

Taeyeon giggles with blush on her face. “sweet” Taeyeon pinch my nose and hold my hand. “I want you to my room”

Taeyeon then drags me to her room.

I look at Jessica unnie and stick my tongue out.

Taeyeon’s room meaning I can have the access with her panties, used panties and bras.

Taeyeon’s panties, my babies! Wait for momma! I can finally bring you home where you really belong.

[TAENYFic] I Need A Girl Like.... You!!!Where stories live. Discover now